Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Baptism of Addison Rose Seghi

Saturday Aug 14, 2010.
4:15 Mass and baptismal ceremony following
God parents: Lauren Seghi, Brian Jones

What a beautiful day it was for Addison's baptism. We wanted to have it be an intimate day with our immediate families, including aunts, uncles and grandparents. Addison was an angel during mass, as she fell asleep in my arms during the gospel...and Monsignor Dan Deutsch gave the most perfect homily. Ironically enough it was the mass of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which really hit home to me as a new mother. Monsignor's homily discussed that we never really leave our children, they are always in our care, but may not always be in our sight. This was perfect for us as we were thinking all week about putting her in daycare, and being anxious and worried about this. But, I know that she is always in God's care, and that she will be okay.
The baptismal ceremony included 3 other babies, and was performed by one of the newer priests Father Fasano. Addison slept through most of it, until Fr blessed her head. Then she was awake and just hanging out, smiling and taking it all in. None of the babies cried at all, it was great!! And boy was it crowded in there with 4 babies families!
Afterwards, we went back to our house and had a little reception, catered by Portillos! Yummy!
Addison enjoyed hanging out with the family, and getting passed around from one person to the next. It was a great day, and Adam and I couldn't feel more blessed to have such a beautiful precious baby.

*P.S. Those are the new French doors in the picture above that Adam worked so hard to install the week before!

First cross from Grandma Jones

Family christening gown ( Mine originally)

Close up!

Getting dressed

Sleeping in Mommy's arms

Didn't even cry once!

God Parents

Our Family

Grandma and Grandpa Jones

Grandma and Grandpa Seghi

Great Grandma Carlson and Addy

The party afterwards at our house

Long day!

Uncle Brian and Sarah with somel of Adams little cousins

Great Grandma Peszek, Addison, Julianna and Kelly (9 months)

4 Generations

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