Saturday, September 4, 2010

Back to Work and School

Quality time with mommy!

Grandpa Jones time!

Love my taggies blanket!

Playing with my dolly

I've discovered my shirts...and I like to pull them up to show my belly!

Hanging out in my bumbo!

All smiles chillin' with daddy!

I can stick out my tongue now!

Happy Baby!

Well... August 23rd was the start of work for me, and the start of "school" for Addison and also myself. It has definitely been a transition from staying at home all day with her, boy do I miss that, to now working 4 days each week. And I'm taking my second to last class to finish my Doctorate online through SLU. Overall I must say we are doing well. The first week, like everyone says, is the worst and then it has gotten a little easier. As my trust has expanded in the people that are watching her, and now that we're somewhat into a routine, I'm not quite as emotional as I was that first day/week. However, it is still miserable to be away from her all day. I'm glad that I'm in a field that I am busy and on my feet all day. If I had to sit at a desk (probably staring at her picture) I think I would lose it. At the end of the day, all I want to do is hold her and snuggle and watch her smile and laugh. Sometimes I feel like she's changed from the mornings to the evenings...and it does make me a little sad.

However, Wednesdays have definitely become one of my favorite days of the week. It's a perfect schedule to work 2 days, be home for a day, and then work another 2 days before having the weekend off. We've been able to spend some quality time playing, laughing, napping, doing laundry, catching up on chores around the house, and running errands if needed. Not to mention, Kali loves me being home too.

Adam got to stay home with Addison one day last week, because my mother in law came down with Shingles, and I think that he really enjoyed himself. However, when I came home he said, "You know I really appreciate what you do." I think he was pretty tired, but he got to spend some quality time with his daughter. It was the first time he'd had her by himself for more than a few hours. :) He even dressed her in a cute outfit with matching socks! Go Daddy!

Addison seems to be doing well at Daycare ( Mon, Tues and Fri) with her teachers Miss Kim and Miss Melissa. They usually have between 3-5 babies in her room at a time and 1-2 Teachers. We go online to access the surveillence camera that shows her room, and she seems to be doing very well. They've kept to her schedule of eating and napping which has made the transition smooth as well. And, she has continued to sleep through the night ( since Aug 12th) which makes all of our lives much better.

Yes, I can't believe it that she is sleeping through the night and started at 10 weeks. Usually from about 930pm-6am. I feel so blessed and thankful. She has been in her crib in her room since Aug 16th, which has also helped her sleep better since she is not hearing us or smelling me. I think she knew that I wouldn't be able to function getting up in the middle of the night and going to work in the morning. This mommy needs her sleep. :) Now, I just hope I didn't jinx myself...

I really did enjoy my last few weeks of maternity leave, trying to soak up the time I had with her each day. I now see why some people say they wish maternity leave started at 12 weeks...or was permanent. Maybe someday...

Well, here's the little lady growing before our very eyes! She's discovering new things it seems everyday. She's recognizing people more, and smiling and really chuckling! She tells us when we're funny...and when we're not. haha. She loves to hold onto things and bring them up to her face -- to get a closer look or to put them in her mouth--although her hand/eye coordination is still a work in progress. More updates for her 3 month post soon.


  1. Has anyone tried to comment yet?

  2. This is a great way to know whats going on in "Addison World"...I keep your blog bookmarked so I see it daily if you have posted something new!!

    Addison looks so cute, especially when she is staring at her shirt...I do believe the 'taggie blanket' will be a keepsake!!

    Love you all. Uncle B.

  3. It looks like all is well. I never got over going back to work. I still cry at everything "I missed."
    She's awful cute and doesn't look like she's missing too many boys were the same way and look at them now!
    Don't forget that Adam is the parent, too! Larry was such a blessing when we weren't sleeping through the night and, sorry to tell you, they will come back! There's the teething time, and the croup time, the ear ache time and the throw up time, etc.
    We plan on spending the xmas holiday in Elgin. Maybe we'll get to see the young lady before she graduates!
    Love, Annie, Larry and the 3 Wise Men
