Her big accomplishment in the past week is that she slept 7-8hrs 3 different nights!! How awesome! For the most part she is sleeping 4-5hrs, which is still wonderful! I think because she has such a full belly , she can sleep longer. Her tummy really is so big and cute!
Her 2 month Dr appointment was yesterday, shots and all. She screamed and cried, of course...but was able to fall asleep on the ride home after I nursed her in the office. Then when we got home she got a little fussy and spiked a little fever. After tylenol and a bath, she was able to calm down enough to go to sleep. To our surprise she then slept through the night...
Her current stats: 12lbs 4 oz and 23 1/4 in long.... almost outgrowing her 3 month clothes!
We went to visit Great Grandma Carlson and Uncle Dick with Grandma Jones last Tuesday and got some great 4 generation pictures. I think the Grandmas are just a little in love with her, what do you think!?
The "hands" pictures were my mom's idea...I think they turned out pretty cool. The rings on their fingers are their "mother's rings" and the heart pendant is the mothers pendant my mom gave to me when Addison was born.
To celebrate Addison's 2 month birthday we went to The Arlington Horse Race Track on Saturday with Uncle Brian, Sarah, and our friends Scott and Julie and their daughter, Kayla. It was her 4 month birthday too! We had a great time, it was a beautiful day out, and we even won a little money!
Here are a few more pics of the little lady...
Working on holding my head up and sitting in my bumbo seat ( look at those cheeks!)
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