I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last posting...I guess I've been enjoying my time with the lil peanut.
Big happenings in the past 2 weeks...
Addison had to have her tongue clipped on Monday Aug. 9th because she was a little "tongue tied". Basically, her frenulum (the ligament that attaches your tongue in the front) was attached to the tip of her tongue instead of at the base, making it difficult for her to move her tongue, stick it out, etc. This was affecting her ability to eat sometimes, because she would get frustrated she couldn't suckle well. ( But, she obviously has had no trouble gaining weight!!) It just would take longer sometimes for her feedings. Also in the future it could affect her speech development and her oral hygiene ( couldn't clean her teeth with her tongue as well). So, we went to a highly recommended pediatric ENT on Monday and they did it right in the office. It went a lot easier than we thought. They placed her in her carseat, the assistant held her head, the doc applied a local anesthetic and then snipped it. There were a few drops of blood, and she cried for maybe 10sec from the startle of it. No pain though, because there aren't any nerve endings there. Then I nursed her, a natural anesthetic and soother, for 5 minutes and she was smiling and laughing like nothing had happened!! :) So now our little lady is sticking her tongue out and has been exploring this new muscle over the past week.
Daycare visit and preparation. The inevitable is coming and I will be going back to work next Monday, sniff sniff :( I must say that I never realized it was going to be this hard to leave my baby. We went to visit daycare on Thursday Aug 5th and I cried the whole way home....and for several hours there after. Not neccesarily because I didn't like the place, they are very nice and well qualitfied. I just didn't like the fact that I will be leaving her with a stranger and a couple other children. Also, it was nap time when I visited, and they were all in their cribs...and of course no one was asleep because there was a stranger (us) in the room looking at them. So, the whole "cage" mentality is what it felt like at the time.
However, Adam and I went to visit again this past Friday, at 10 am, when they were all on the floor playing and smiling and laughing. The teacher, Melissa, is very sweet and seemed to have a great relationship with the kiddos. There will be up to 4 infants in the room when Addison is there and range in age from her 12 weeks to 7-8 months. They are all "immobile" and the mobile infants are in another room that she will eventually "graduate" to.
So, Addy will be going to daycare Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Then I will be home on Wednesdays, and Grandma and Grandpa Seghi have really stepped up to watch her on Thursdays!! I couldn't be more thankful to them for this and I know they will enjoy the time with their grand daughter! And I am so blessed to be able to have Wednesdays off to spend time with her as well. :)
And most importantly of all Addison Rose was baptized on Saturday Aug 14. I will do a separate post for this.
Also my dad came to visit for a few days!
Since her tongue clipping she has also really "found her mouth"...and wants to put everything in it. Especially her own hands, and often time tries to get the whole fist in. People say this may be the start of teething, as it has also accompanied a lot of drooling... (as you can see in the pics) I just hope for the sake of breastfeeding the teeth hold off for a bit. We shall see.
Also the smiles and laughter continue and she is starting to be more and more of a squirmer!
Now for some pics of the past few weeks, which is why you all really check out this blog. :)
Napping in my crib for the first time
First meal out at Steak and Shake with Grandma Jones and Mommy
Lazy Saturday with dad
Meeting Uncle Tom and Aunt Laya on their road trip into town
Look how big I've gotten!!
Now for some precious facial expressions I've captured:
Chuckle house!!
Eating my hand!
I really like to play with my toys now....reaching, touching, putting them in my mouth, tracking them back and forth! But, my ultimate favorite "toy" is still the ceiling fan that I can't seem to keep my eyes off of...even if it means contorting my head backwards and sideways to watch it when someone is holding me!
Bert and Ernie finger puppets!
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