Monday, January 31, 2011

8 Months...What a Month it's been!!

Sneak peek of her chair photos....hah
I know I've said it before...but, I think this has been my favorite time with our little Addison. This past month has been so amazing to watch her grow and change and develop into such a sweet little baby girl. (Not so much an infant anymore!).

Physically....she went from sitting up independently, to reaching forward more for her toys, then crawling backwards, then trying to pull up on things, going from her belly to sitting up 1/17/11, and now to crawling FORWARD on 1/26/11.(video to come) I think once she was able to sit up from lying down by herself that she developed the trunk control to be on all fours for crawling. Yes, that's the PT side of me asessing my baby girl. She's also been playing just on her knees ( tall kneeling) and has been progressing to half kneel or one leg up kneeling, which means she is following the developmental sequence...and who knows how soon it will be until she standing and then walking....ahhhh... (Yeah, she's already pulling herself up to stand - it's been 3 days since I first wrote this.) It was a good thing that we dropped her crib down a level in the last 2 weeks because she is now just sitting up in there when she wakes up.

Vocally....she's been saying "Da-da" and "Ba-ba" however we don't think they are quite purposeful yet. She was going crazy saying Da-Da on 1/16/11 - check out my video. Adam says that she has said "Ma-ma", but I'm still waiting to hear that one for sure. I know once I do, it will truely melt my heart. Of course she is screaming and grunting and making a whole lot of other baby babbles.

Eating...this girl is eating anything and everything she can get her hands on. Literally. Of course everything goes in the she has now cut tooth #2 (bottom right) in the past 2 days 1/29/11. #1 came on 1/5/11 (bottom left)
This month started out with 2 meals a day of maybe 1-2oz of food, and now has progressed in the past week to 3 meals a day of 2-4oz of food. I guess she needs the energy for all of her motor skills, and to of course keep up with her rolly polly figure. :)
New menu items this month: bananas, green beans, peas/carrots combo ( she likes much better than alone) prunes, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, yogurt. Finger foods: puffs and mum-mums. It's amazing how well she can feed herself with her cute little "pincer" (finger to thumb) grasp, and how quickly she caught on. Still loves her squash, sweet potatos, apples and pears. I'm still making about 75% of her food, and buying organic baby food varieties for items that are not in season. Plan to introduce spinach, broccoli, chicken and turkey in the coming weeks.
I'm still nursing, 8 months down and who knows how many more to go. My goal was originally 6 months, and I guess they say don't stop a good thing. We both definitely seem to enjoy it, and it is the best thing for her. However, pumping 2 x a day at work is soooo much easier than 3. My supply has dropped a little, but we still have plenty of reserve in our new deep freezer. :)

This months photo session for 8 months was quite a work out for us all. Addison did NOT want to just sit and smile in her rocking chair----she wanted to crawl, spin, stand, climb over, etc. So I decided to take a video as well. (coming)

Corduroy is my favorite book that Daddy reads to me

Ok, I'll look for a quick second...catch me if you can.

Leaning over the chair to give Da-Da a kiss

All fours....making my way for a swan dive off this thing...

Nope...not turning around

This is a classic Addison shot....she is totally giggly here...

Go Bears! (even though they lost, I was still the cutest fan)

Happy Birthday Uncle Brian! And the NFC championship Bears vs. Packers.

Hanging out with mom on the couch.

Such the little smiley baby.

Hanging out with my friend Kayla. Look how big I am, and she's 2 months older!

This is right before I POOPED in the tub, yes I said POOP. Not once, but twice. Can't you seem that gleam in my eye that I'm about to do something...

Bath time-Naked Butt!
I can't believe how big she is...this picture really shows it....

A sneak peek close up of my tooth (bottom left)
squealing in excitement to be standing at my music table!
obsessed with the small things in life...knots in the wood, fuzz on the carpet, screw holes in my toys. This girl has an attention to detail, and the eyes to see it.
Thinking about cruising along on the couch...(this was early Jan.) now she is almost doing it by herself.

Happy Birthday Auntie Lauren!

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