7 month stats
(per MD appointment on Dec. 23rd)
Weight: 18lbs 8oz (gain of 13 oz in 3 weeks)
Length: 26"
Just switched from 5x a day to 4x a day (every 4-4.5hrs) with 2 solids. 6am, 10am, 2pm and 6:30pm. Still nursing...and all is going well. Glad to only be pumping 2x a day at work now, which makes my working mom life a little bit easier.
She is loving eating her solid foods, homemade baby puree's of: apples, pears, squash, sweet potatos, carrots (not a big fan), peas, avacados (not a big fan) and bananas Also getting her fill of oatmeal, and brown rice cereal. To soon be starting more combinations and "stage 2" baby foods. Addison is such a good eater, and it's been a lot of fun watching her react to all of the new foods. Making baby food is really easy...just need a little time (maybe 45 min every 2 weeks), a vegetable steamer, a mini food processor, and ice cube trays.
Napping on average 4 x a day for 40 min in duration....loves the cat naps. We're TRYING to switch her to taking 2 naps a day, which has worked a couple times. Including a 2.5hr nap this past weekend allowing us to take down all of our xmas deco. It would be so nice if she could sleep a little longer during the day, but we'll see how it goes.
At night she's still been doing very well (except for the teething nights), so I'm thankful for that. They say if babies sleep well at night, they tend not to be good nappers...
1st tooth on 1/5/11 after a few sleepless nights, including one night of 3hrs to just be put to sleep. Yuck! So glad that my husband and I are a good team, I think we were both about ready to lose it. The 2nd tooth has started to come in this week (after a 3hr total night of sleep for us)...and should be in any day now.
Sitting up completely independently for the past 6 weeks;
Going from sitting to her belly
FINALLY rolling from her belly to her back consistently, and rolling back and forth and around and around.
Belly crawling backwards
Pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth; tries to crawl forward with arms, then collapses
Pulling up to stand (assisted) on furniture, her toys and my lap
Standing with minimal assist; handhold primarily.
Reaching for EVERYTHING in her sight, and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth
Favorite toys to play with right now: her play phone, stacking rings, interlocking rings, elmo, balls, music table.
Has officially given up her pacifier (or maybe just temporarily with her teeth coming in)...which has made sleeping a little more difficult as well.
This past month has been a big transition from immobile, dependent infant to a more mobile, independent little baby, who's really growing into my little girl. Full of smiles, grunts, laughs, grrrrrrs, babbles and of course crying. Christmas was a lot of fun with her, and now we are playing with all of her new toys.
Her 7 month photo shoot was hysterical, assisted by both Adam and our friend Laura...because Addison seemed to want to just crawl off of the chair.... :)
What is this??
Perfect posture. A mommy PT couldn't be happier...
Turning around in the chair now...
Crawling off the chair...
Falling backwards while holding my legs...
Just hanging out with my favorite puppy dog, Kali...
Loving playing with her new "kitchen"
Passed out after church for her nice 2.5 hr nap...
Here's a photo dump of some leftover pics from Dec before xmas:
Professional pic...need to scan in the others still...

Loves to crawl backwards and get stuck under the couch...
Kali babysitting...
My new trick...the splits...
Loves to grab mommy's necklace
Our sweet Kali dog...
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