Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11 Months

It's been a month of perfecting his walking ability... Hard to believe that he's so little and young to be so mobile and active...but it's so fun to see!
The month started out with a few steps here and there...and now he's really making his way around the house.  He's really only crawling about 25% of the time now, or less...as he prefers to stand up and try to keep walking when he falls down.

Eating: this month we've really progressed to mostly all table food at this time - he'd rather eat a cut up version of what we're eating, rather than his baby food. New foods include: eggs, beans (chili), spaghetti, mac n cheese, frozen/canned and fresh vegetables. It's nice to make him and Addison the same lunches now - and for us all to sit down to eat together.

Sleeping: finally getting a breakthrough in this area!! :) Napping 2x per day still usually 9-10am and 2-330/4. Night time is doing better as well with minimal if any wake ups in the middle of the night, sleeping 8-5; up to nurse at 5/530 then back to sleep till 630/7. He's doing better about going back down in his crib in the mornings as well. And we are much happier being able to sleep a little more now. :) Hard to believe how we all functioned on such little sleep for so long.

Playing: Parker is so cute now playing with EVERYTHING around the house. Whether it's the toilet  paper roll, Addison's princess dolls, blocks, or his baby toys...he's into EVERYTHING. He loves to push his little cart around the house- and chase Addison pushing her shopping cart. They go around and around all day long. Now that he's walking more, he's able to play in the play kitchen and with toys at different heights. I think he's found a new world to explore now. He really loves to watch things move - like toy cars, trains, and rolling/throwing balls. He's really a BOY.

Language: still not saying a ton yet. Trying to say Addy, Hi, Up.
But, is able to communicate his needs by pointing and grunting at things. :) Addison usually is a big helper in telling us what he wants or needs (or at least she seems to think so).

Big Sister Addison is really enjoying playing with  Parker now that he is more mobile and upright now:
She likes to teach him and read books to him...and he's totally into it (for the most part)


So sweet until....

Squeezing his cheeks and knocking him over....(sigh)...

Loves Kali dog - and she loves him. His FAVORITE animal is a Dog 

Loves to open and close doors...and play peek-a-boo
My little boy:

We made a surprise visit to see Great-Grandma Carlson and Uncle Dick this month, along with Grandma Jones... it was a nice afternoon visit

Always playing with the bears at grandmas... :)

Didn't take as many pictures this month....as I've spent most of my days chasing around this little guy...and playing referee at times.  He's a daredevil....such a boy. We. are. in. trouble.
Looks like I mostly documented this month in videos with my new MotoX phone...just a twist of the wrist and it was on... (now I have to figure out how these videos will work on blogger)

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