10 Months - Really?!!?
Well, we all called it - You are WALKING!!
Parker took his first steps the week of his 10 month birthday - each day getting a little more daring with a few more steps. Monday and Wednesday that week he was easily walking between toys in the playroom and from different pieces of furniture...and then got more daring to walk in the open room.
Eating: Introduced chunkier baby food and some table food this month - including eggs, Cheerios, cut up avocado and banana. Since we were going on vacation - I wanted to wait to do more table food since baby food was going to be more portable and reliable while we were on the go. But, I have to say, you are pretty sick of the baby food now - and want to eat more table food. Just like your sister - if you can feed yourself, you're happy. :) He's able to use the sippy cup himself now too - and the video below shows this as well as "so big". He thinks he's hilarious. :)
Sleeping: We've been doing (pretty) good in the sleep area. However, I am pretty sleep deprived still, to remember exactly how it's been the last month. LOL. There's definitely been more than a few nights that you've been up in the middle of the night - missing us I think - a little separation anxiety. But, we've been working on letting you try to soothe yourself back to sleep. You are still getting up bright and early at 5am to nurse- but then you go back to sleep for a good 1-2hrs again after that. You've been sleeping in our bed after that for the most part, cuddled up - but I'd like to put you back in your crib so that maybe we could work out more in the a.m. (selfish plug). Still going down around 730-8pm and sleeping till about 5am. 2 naps during the day; 10 and 2 for the most part. But, typically only 45-1hr in the morning ; but closer to 2hrs in the afternoon. But, you like to wake up after 1hr to see what everyone else is doing - and then go back to sleep again. Looking forward to both of you sleeping at the same time for more than 30 min would be great for this momma (selfish plug).
Playing: You love to play with anything with wheels (my little boy); like cars, trains and tractors. You like to push them back and forth - it's really cute. (Addison never cared about this). You're learning to roll the ball back and forth - playing with Mommy/Daddy/Addison and Kali. We've pulled out the fisher price house- and you love going in and out the door. Loving your push toys- to perfect your walking skills- and you chase Addison (and she chases you) around the house - making circles for nice 10 min stretches of time or more. :)

Gross motor: WALKING! - about 5 steps around the 10 month birthday! Standing without holding on - for several minutes at a time. Squatting up and down to pick something up easily without holding on to anything.
Climbing (again a boy) - on anything you can fit your little foot on - your push toys, us, toys, highchair, Kali, etc. I haven't let you climb the stairs much - but you can definitely do that too. ( I keep them blocked AT ALL TIMES).
We think he's saying "Doggie"; or "eee" for Kali or dogs - which are his absolute favorite thing!
"Hi" - he says randomly.
And just baby babbles and laughs most of the time.
He likes to point to when he wants something - or lean in the direction of it when you're holding him.
Trying to work on some sign language of "more"; "eat" and "all done" - but he hasn't caught on just yet. (this was wonderful for Addison when she caught on about 11-12 month).
Still hasn't said "momma or dadda" yet - but we're waiting...and of course he'll probably say "Addy" first.
Social: He likes to have attention- and will squeal, cry or grunt to get your attention. He's definitely a smiley baby - and smiles at EVERYONE. He's so cute when he giggles - even when he's playing by himself, he'll laugh - which just makes me smile; or especially when he's watching Addison. Daddy can really get him chuckling as well. He loves music and songs - especially the wheels on the bus still.
He's waving hello and good bye ; and arms up for "so big". working on clapping - but hasn't caught on yet either.
Visit from Grandma Jones:
Addy "painting" her nails |
Brother-Sister Love:
We really tried to fit in the last moments of summer into the month of August this year - whether it was walks to the park, playing outside in the pool, etc. You love the trees - and like to watch the branches and leaves blowing in the breeze - you seem to be amazed by this. :)
Good thing only 2 more months of chair pictures: you were NOT happy about sitting still this month:
Content, with a book to play with and read. :) |
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