Thursday, January 10, 2013

Parker 2 Months

Parker is 2 months old.
Weight: 12lbs 4oz (the SAME as Addison at 2 months)
Length: 23"

We had his 2 month check up and shots - he is a healthy growing little baby boy.

{However, Adam and I had a scare in the office - in which we gave him too much (2x) the amount of tylenol after his shots...due to unspecific directions given by the doctor on a sheet of paper. It said "full dropper" and we had infant tylenol that was concentrated...and they were directions for unconcentrated tylenol. Needless to say, they called poison control ( 1800 222-1222) for us and he only had 1/10 of the dose that would be considered toxic. I wanted to share this, because even as educated as we are and try to follow all the directions and "rules" we too made a mistake. So, please be aware of this phone # for your children.}

Developmentally, our little man is doing really well. He's getting stronger and bigger every day. He likes to hang out in his bumbo seat, bouncer or play in his activity gym on his back or belly. His head control continues to be pretty amazing. I haven't really had to worry about it since he was's been so good.

Eating: Parker has been consistently on a 3hour eating schedule during the day, and 6-7hours at night time. He's still doing great nursing, and definitely prefers this to the bottle. He's had his fair share of bottles lately as I've had to be gone more. We originally were using Dr. Browns - but he was getting pretty fussy - so we are now using Tommee Tippee bottles - that have a wider shorter nipple that is softer. He also seems to like it warmed up. Drinking about 3-4oz from the bottle.

Sleeping: The first half of his 2nd month he was still sleeping 1-2 hours between feedings, but now is starting to nap less between each feeding and take a longer afternoon nap 3hours.  Night time he still is sleeping about 5-6hours, and on Dec. 22 he slept 7 hours. Addison has been waking up later lately since I've been home (7-730) so it's been nice to stay in bed a little longer, even if nursing the baby.
He still really likes to be cuddled up while sleeping- in the bassinet, his swing, or cuddled close to us. He doesn't really like his crib yet - will only sleep 1-1:130 hours before waking up.

Passed out on the couch next to me one day watching football...such a little man.

Personality: Our little man is starting to smile more and more and even laugh now. He loves to have people talk to him, and he's starting to talk back. He follows us around the room - and likes to watch what his big sister is doing. She's usually doing something to make his smile, and she likes to involve him in everything she's playing.

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