We had a nice vacation to Florida, and arrived home just 2 days before her big day. We celebrated with a home cooked spaghetti and meatball meal and a trip to Oberweis for ice cream! As Addy says in response to "What do you do for work?" she says, "I eat". And so, our little girl was happy with they yummy food on her birthday.
She's still working on saying that she's 2 when asked how old are you, since she was used to saying 1 for so long. And trying to figure out how to hold up just 2 fingers....it's harder than you think.
2 year Stats: weight: 32lbs (95%) height: 34.5" (75%) our little girl is definitely growing healthy...she actually dropped 2% in weight since her 18month appointment.
Her 2 year wellness appointment went excellent...and she didn't even have to get any immunizations this time. We were definitely prepared for some, but she lucked out. We'll see how that goes for the Flu shot come the fall.
A typical schedule for Addison these days:
630am-ish wake up (which can vary from 6am to even 8am the other day)
Watches some cartoons while we all wake up a bit (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Sesame Street), then breakfast is a must by 7am.
Typically plays all morning - preferably outside in her sand table, water table, "Addison's club house" -playset, car or tricycle.
Loves to go for a late morning walk to the park, and then come home for lunch.
Nap time- anywhere between 12:30 and 2:30 for 2-2.5hrs.
Wakes up and hangs on the couch for a bit - as we put in one of her favorite movies of the moment- "Lady and the Tramp", "Annie", "Happy Feet", "Mary Poppins", "Bambi", "Cookie Monster".
Then more play time,including her new kitchen, playing with her baby doll, and other dolls, puzzles, blocks,etc and chase Kali around the house time.
Dinner promptly at 6pm or we have a melt-down...730 bath-time and then bed time by 8-815.
Potty Training: She likes to go when we are out in public now - restaurants especially - I think this is because she wants a break from sitting at the table. She is also working on it a little bit at daycare- going about 1x per day there. Most of the time if I ask her at home, it's a "NO". So, my plan is to do the 3 day potty training method (3daypottytraining.com)- "potty bootcamp" as I like to call it then end of July and take 3 days to focus on it only- as my girlfriends can attest to. I know she knows when she needs to go, and how...it's just more convenient in the diaper now.
Eating: This girl still loves to eat- and for the most part isn't a picky eater. However, she does have a strong opinion now about what she wants to eat. And, could eat fruit all day if she could. Favorite foods include: fruit (especially strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), fruit cups, squeezable fruit/vegetable purees, raisins, pancakes, cheerios, goldfish, macncheese, chicken nuggets, broccoli, green beans,
Vocabulary: She continues to surprise us everyday with her language capabilities - speaking and understanding. She is clearly using 4-5 word sentences consistently, including use of pronouns and adverbs. She likes to speak in the 3rd person still...ie: "Addy do..." She is very polite, typically, when asking for something. ie: "More broccoli Mommy, please." She is definitely able to communicate her wants and needs...and I am very happy for this. Of course, she does still get frustrated and throw her tantrums like any typical 2year old-but for the most part we can figure out what she wants...even if we have to say No. - her favorite word to say...and least favorite word to hear say to her.
Her 2nd Birthday Party was "Elmo themed" at our house with mainly immediate family...and her younger cousins. We had a great time, and the rain held off this time for a comfortable 80 degree day compared to the thunderstorms we had on her 1st Birthday Party.
Yes...I made the cake! :) |
Obviously excited about her Elmo cake...or as Addy would say, "cited!" |
"Go-gramma" (great-grandma), Grandma and Mommy with the birthday girl |
Uncle B and Auntie Lauren...godparents |
Gamma and Gampa Seghi |
She couldn't be happier that everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" to her! |
Playing with her cousins: Kelly (2), Sydney (8) and Emily (5). |
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