Thursday, June 14, 2012

Addison's going to be a BIG SISTER!

Face and body


Well...I guess we've waited long enough to make an official announcement...

Addison is going to be a BIG SISTER in October!!

We couldn't be more excited, and blessed to soon be a family of 4.

How far along are you? 20 weeks according to the ultrasound..21 weeks LNMP. Like Addison's pregnancy, things were a little "off" with timing.

When did you find out? Valentines Day, Feb. 14th

How did you tell Adam? Addison gave him a valentine that said, "I'm going to be a BIG Sister"

Does Addison know? She knows there's a baby in Mommy's belly...but who knows how she will react when this baby comes to live at her house. :)

How have you been feeling? The first trimester was rough. A little nausea, and of course fatigue. But, had several scares requiring 5 ultrasounds - biweekly for the first 11 weeks. Basically, had small holes in the placenta causing bleeding...that healed with the assist of progesterone and little activity. (ha...with an almost 2year old and being a are you supposed to "be 50% of your activity level) Glad that I got the clearance at 12 weeks to resume normal activity and exercise...and as of 14 weeks really started to feel so much better.

Have you felt the baby move yet? Yes...early actually. 13.5 weeks I felt the first flutters which is REALLY early...I know. But, as my doctor know what they feel like already, so you're more aware. Now, the baby is moving more and more...with little punches, kicks and rolls. How sweet that feeling is...and so reassuring.

Are you going to find out the sex? No. We didn't with Addison either...and I must say that was the most exciting moment of my life. As we say, why find out what a gift is before you open it!? We had our big ultrasound on June 13th....and everything is "just perfect".

What is your official due date? Oct. 29th...but I figure anytime after the 20th since the dates are "off" again.

Our Family reveal 3/4/12: 6 weeks

3/18/12- 8 weeks

4/15/12: 12 weeks

4/29/12: 14 weeks

Mothers Day: 5/13/12 - 16 weeks

5/28/12 - 18 weeks in Clearwater Beach

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