Thursday, May 10, 2012


Easter was filled with many blessings this year.
My best friend, Laura, was able to come home and make a surprise visit to her family for the weekend - and stay with us. It was wonderful to see them all for this short, but sweet visit. Check out her blog for the details of their visit:




She enjoyed our Easter egg hunt at home, and was really quite fast at it. The Easter bunny will have to do a better job next year.


We then celebrated the day with the Peszek cousins - Addison really enjoyed playing with all of her cousins - especially in the sandbox. She literally stood there for 2hrs straight - and didn't even want to come in for dinner. Shocking. I know.

They had a great time with the Easter egg hunt, and the little ones got more of a head start...all Miss Addison could care about was the candy in the eggs...didn't care for the $$...she'll learn.

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