Welcome Parker Ryan Seghi
Our baby boy was born on Monday October 29, 2012 at 6:23 am, weighing approximately 7lbs and 19.5" long and healthy as can be.
His abbreviated birth story:
My labor began on Sunday morning 10/28 at 5am- with notable contractions that were consistently 10-12 min apart. My OB had stressed to me that I come in when they were 10 min apart, because I was already 3cm dilated; 80% effaced (for 2 weeks) and she knew my labor would be fast (not the 19.5 hrs with Addison). So, after calling my inlaws to come over and take Addison, Adam and I went for a nice long walk with Kali - and then even stopped at Starbucks for a pumpkin spiced latte. I wasn't in any urgency- and they really weren't that "bad" yet.
I got to the hospital at 10am - and I was 4cm and 80% effaced. I was put on the baby monitor - and he looked "perfect". So, I was told to walk and they would come recheck me to see if I had progressed. By 2pm, I had walked for almost 2hrs of the 4hrs that we were there- and made no "change" in dilation or the contractions getting any closer- so they sent us home. I was exhausted-an emotional roller coaster thinking our baby was coming today- and to be sent home was a dissapointment. Luckily I was able to go home and rest for a bit, and then we went to my in-laws for dinner and to pick up Addison. I was still having the
contractions-but they weren't keeping me from doing everything.
UNTIL...I went to bed and at 1:15am woke up with a painful contraction. I timed them and they were coming every 8-10 min...so at 2am- I nudged Adam to wake up. This was really it. His mom came over-and I could barely wait for her to get there-I was hunched over in tears as she walked in the door. The contractions were about 5-6 min apart on the way to the hospital-and very painful.
We checked in to labor and delivery at 3am-and quickly 3 nurses started working- one for an IV, one for the baby monitor and one started setting up the room for delivery. I was 6cm and 100% and the contractions were coming faster and stronger. I wanted an epidural - but they needed to give me a bag of fluid first-and as that was pushed-I had to work through the contractions. By 3:45am I was 8cm- and the nurse said she didn't think the epidural would work...but, at 4:15 anasthesia and the OB were there. I got my epidural- and I could start to finally relax. The OB had to do an emergency C-section- and wasn't sure if I was going to "hold out". By 5am I was 9cm, and more comfortable; but they had to "hold me off" while she finished the C-section. So, finally at 6am she came back and said I could start pushing, after she broke my water bag. ( If they had done this at 5am, he would have been born much sooner).
So, at 6:23 am our healthy baby boy made his debut...pink as can be, screaming with perfect 9's on his Apgar score. Oh, and he peed all over me too. (So, he weighed 6lbs 15oz when they finally weighed him- so we're guessing he lost an ounce of pee).
Our family and friends were greeted with early morning texts and phone calls to start off their Monday morning with the news of Parker's birth.
It was a fast and furious labor-that ended with our perfect little miracle. A BOY! We couldn't be more thrilled to now have a little girl and a baby boy. And for the Seghi family...the first boy for his generation that will ensure the name to live on.
*Oct. 29th was a big birth-day for Delnor, there were 9 babies born that
day ...and almost all boys. The big storm on the east coast plus the
full moon really impacted so many of us going into labor
Awaiting the epidural... |
We were able to spend the entire day with our birthday boy without him
leaving our sight. I was able to hold him for a good 1.5hrs after he was
born, and he started to feed like a champ.
Proud Daddy holding his little BOY |
Dr. Joy, his pediatrician was there at 8am...just as the nurse was doing his assessment. How cool?! |
His big sister, Addison, was SO EXCITED to meet her new baby brother and
hold him...(sometimes a little too tightly, but we're working on it)
First moments with both of my babies |
In Love. |
First family pictures...my eyes are welling up with tears of joy. |
Big sister reading a book to Parker (some of his presents to her) |
Addy helping to brush baby Parker's hair after his bath |
Proud Grandma and Grandpa Seghi |
3 Generations of Seghi boys |
Grandma Jones in love with her grandson |
We missed Grandpa Jones being here, but know that he will be here soon.
All of his aunts and uncles came to visit after the work day, what a lucky little guy to have such love of his family.
Sarah and Brian ... you're next! Baby Jones due in April! Can't wait for Addy and Parker to have a cousin!! |
We were so lucky that Grandma and Grandpa took care of Addison (and Kali too) while we were at the hospital, and Addy was able to visit us twice each day and give her baby brother some love...
Meanwhile, mommy, daddy and Parker man soaked up our time together: