Weight: 20lbs 6oz (75%)
Length: 27" probably a little inaccurate because she does NOT like to lie down (25%)
Head Circumference: 43 cm (25%)
We have a mover and a shaker big time this month. I was so excited for Addison to start crawling, and now she is just everywhere. It was so nice when she just stayed in one place, I didn't have to worry so much if I went to the kitchen for a minute...now I can't keep my eyes off of her.
It's so much fun though, she is developing into a little girl before our eyes.
The month started out with the Blizzard and turned into some very sick days for us all. Addy had an upper respiratory infection that lasted a good 2 weeks almost and running a fever for 4+ days. She was pretty miserable, and so were we trying to help her. Then Adam got sick for a week with the same thing. Then I got the stomach Flu just last week (first week of March). So, we are ready for Spring and happy that we are finally all healthy. Big Sigh.
Her fever and cough slowed her down just a little - but was still determined to crawl around, pull herself up on all the furniture and pester Miss Kali. You can tell by some of the photos of her eyes that she just looked worn out and miserable.
She was the cutest little Valentine this month, and really stole her Daddy's heart. Her valentine outfit was from Grandpa Jones for Christmas and was just darling.
Crawling everywhere all around the house, over obstacles including toys, our legs, Kali dog, and squeezing through openings to get to whatever her little heart desires. (even when I try to block something off).
Oh yeah...and crawling UP the STAIRS!!! ( I caught her doing this over the weekend- pulled one leg up then the other...and she was off) Don't worry we have gates now, and eyes on her always!!
Pulling herself up to stand on the couches, ottoman, bookshelves, tv stands, etc
Standing holding on with one hand, dropping a toy, bending down to pick it up (over and over)
Squatting and playing with her toys
Loves to stand and bang on her music tables
Social interaction:
Clapping her hands in excitement and trying to play patty-cake.
Waving at anyone or anything she sees. (even at the anchorman on the news the other morning, while standing up next to the TV)
Vocally: Still saying "Da-da"; "Ba-ba", and lots of baby babbles. Sometimes we think she has actually said "Hi", but who knows. Can't wait for her to start saying "Ma-ma"... :)
Four times a day now- 6am, 10am, 2pm and 6pm. Moved up to 3 solids a day (stage 2 baby foods and some homemade) 3-4oz each. New foods she ate this month: turkey, chicken, beef, yogurt, broccoli. Loves to feed herself- especially puffs and mum mums. Breastfeeding is going okay, but starting to lose more supply and our freezer stash is almost gone. Will start supplementing with formula soon, but I am proud of myself for making it this far exclusively breastfeeding. So, I am doing ok with this realization, but it still is going to be a hard transition as I start weaning in the next few months.
Here's Miss Personality in the making:
Happy Valentines Day!
Now she greets us standing in her crib!
Playing with DaDa
Loves being Naked and standing up on her changing table:
Beating up Mr Pequin for Uncle B
Love the Amish Rattle...so much I carry it around with me...
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