Our baby... little girl is 3. What a beautiful, smart little girl she is too, with a BIG personality.
The Mayor is what Daddy and I refer to you as...you are always the life of the party...and are always talking to everyone...and needing to know who everyone is, what their name is and what their relationship is to each other.
Our smart little lady: Dr. Joy said that you have the intelligence of an almost 5yr old at this point...as you know all your letters: upper and lower case, know what letters stand for what words, are learning to trace your letters, can accurately count items up to 10, easily recognizes patterns, you have a photographic memory like your momma too. We are going to have to keep challenging you and foster your little growing mind.
Your favorite things right now:
Toys: your baby doll, princess dolls, Elmo, Dinosaurs, bubbles, sand table, climbing on anything and everything at the park, peppa pig house,
Love to play dress up: waking up every morning saying, "I want to wear a pretty dress"; and also you love all your princess dresses - and got 3 new ones for your birthday.
Books: chica chica boom boom, bear hunt, little critter dinosaur museum, princess books: cinderella, snow white, Bernstein bear books: You love to read to EVERYONE...your friends at school, mommy and daddy, PARKER, Kali, any captive audience
TV shows: Peppa Pig, Yo Gabba Gabba,
Food: you would eat Popsicle for breakfast/lunch/dinner if we let you; fruit - blackberries are your favorite ....next up blueberries and strawberries. Mac n cheese and chicken nuggets (chik fil A). you truely are a little toddler in the food department lately. However, you still love spicey foods too - mexican: salsa, chips, tacos, and fajitas.
Birthday Party: Was on June 2nd at our house surrounded by all your family. - and your 3 littlest cousins Kelly, Emily and Josh.
All you wanted for your birthday was, CUPCAKES. So...sure enough 630am we were baking cupcakes on your special day...and had them for breakfast. Hey, you only turn 3 once, right?
Off to the zoo we went with Grandma and Grandpa Seghi for 5hrs before the thunderstorms came. Always storms on your birthday. Your favorite was the "Dinasours Alive" exhibit. They were really cool animal-tronics.
Classic Seghi Family pic:
Present time with Mommy and Daddy:
Getting ready for your party, with your cupcakes! Pretty little girl!
Love that first picture :) Happy Birthday to my FAVORITE niece!!