Monday, May 13, 2013

Parker 6 months

Half a year already.
What a month it's been. Little man, you have been a mover... You've kept us up many nights this month due to your desire to practice your new rolling skills...and trying to learn to crawl. You've moved in 180 and 360s in your's always a surprise what position we'll find you in - in the middle of the night - or the morning.

Stats: 18lbs 10oz (75%) ; 26.5" long (50%)

Eating: You are still downing milk "like a champ" says Daddy. 5oz bottles while mommy is away; and still nursing in rapid speed. Typically nursing about 5-6x a day. 630-930-1230/1-330/4-7 and then sometime during the night -usually either at 12am or 3am.  I've tried to only feed you once at night, and would like to cut out the other feeding-since you were sleeping through at one point 6-7 weeks ago. Maybe you'll think your job is "to eat" like your sister would say when she was 18months old. :) You are definitely a bruiser...big, solid, healthy boy. We are very blessed. Wep also introduced some solids this past month. When you were 5 1/2 months old at 24 weeks we started rice cereal - not a fan. Then, oatmeal- you like; squash - you like; peas- don't like; carrots - like.

1st time - rice cereal....he's gonna be a good eater :)


Sleeping: Like I said previously- sleep has been a little rough over the past month. Typically you're going down for the night between 730 and 8pm (like your sister). For the first part of the month - you were waking up every 2-3hours and not know what you wanted - you weren't hungry, you were just overtired, and waking yourself up moving around. We tried some "cry it out" - but didn't work very well the first part of the month. We've since tried it again - and given you a little "lovie" - taggies security blanket - which has helped you to self soothe. Now, you're still waking up at least once per night, sometimes 2x - but only feeding 1x.  Nap times have been variable. Sometimes napping 1-2hrs 3x per day; other days liking the cat naps of 30-45 minutes. We're trying to be patient...we know you'll figure it out someday soon. - and then mommy and daddy will be a little more functional and less sleep deprived.

Still loves sleeping on his side...

Milestones: You've been continuing to work on your skill of sitting up on your own - but we keep the boppy pillow behind you just in case you fall backwards - or your sissy knocks you over on accident.- because she loves to sit RIGHT next to you.
- Going from sitting to your belly - pretty controlled fall as you go to reach for a new toy
-Rolling over both directions now - rolling on the floor and in your crib (which has helped a little with sleep)
-Pivoting around on your belly
-Reaching for things - and putting everything in your mouth. - Definitely teething.
-Pushing up on your arms fully extended
-Rocking on hands and knees - prepping yourself to start crawling - any day now.

Playing: You do a great job sitting up now, and we spread out your toys all around you- so you can reach them - even if you have to roll over to your belly to get to're trying to learn to crawl anyway. Addison loves that you can just sit on the floor now, and she and you play together (read books, look at different toys). She is really a great teacher with you...teaching you what different objects and colors are...and taking your hand to feel different textures. - apple doesn't fall far from the tree with this role playing.
Parker, you also like to jump up and down in the exersaucer. Your favorite toys are your teether toys...especially Sophie the giraffe that you shove into your mouth, and your rings and rattles. You also like to learn cause and effect by pushing buttons on toys that light up or make noise.

Your (girl)friend, Michaela...

Your first tea party with big sissy Addy.

 Out and about - taking you and Addison with me all over the place now a little easier.  You like to watch the world all around and check out all your new surroundings.  We've gone on lots of walks to the park with Addison - you both love the big double stroller - and think it's so cool to sit next to each other. We took you to the zoo on 4/28/13 - you both enjoyed yourselves-and your eyes were WIDE OPEN for the first 2 hours rolling around- before you crashed into a nap. I've taken you shopping - both grocery and other stores and you are really so good just hanging out in your seat. :) You are my happy little boy.

Love sitting outside right now...and you are obsessed with your puppy love just watching her...and of course petting her. Kali is of course loving all the attention. 

Love your personality right now...

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