Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Parker 3 months

3 months, or has our little man jumped to 5 months already by the way he's been acting.

I love my chunky babies, their rolls and chubby cheeks. So squeezable, so loveable, so healthy!

Our little man continues to be a good eater...but had to start having more bottles the end of January due to my return to work.  Thank goodness Grandma Seghi is watching him, and has been able to handle this transition so well with him. He wasn't so happy about it initially. Still eating every 3 hours during the day; and skips a feeding overnight typically. He's on a 6:30, 9:30, 12:30, 3:30 schedule typically during the day...which is working out pretty well with my return to work. As I have to leave the house around 7:15 and I'm home around 6-6:15 (working 9hr days now 3days)

Parker continues to sleep between each feeding, at least 30-45 minutes. He's liking the cat naps lately in the morning, but is napping longer in the afternoons...sometimes 2-3hrs. If I'm lucky both him and Addy will be napping at the same time...and I can try to be productive...or take a nap myself.
Nighttime he continues to wake up 1-2x per night, and is sleeping still about 5-6hours at most. Usually put him down about 10 and he sleeps till about 2 or 3 or 4am.  Adam keeps saying "I think tonight is the night, he's going to sleep through the night." I'm hopeful, but not getting my hopes up anytime soon. He really just eats and goes back to sleep pretty well, so I'm not complaining. (Knock on wood).
He was not doing well sleeping in his crib for the first part of the month, but this has improved...a little. He's practicing his new skill of rolling at night-which wakes him up more. Addison was sleeping through the night at 10 weeks though...9pm-6am...I know it could be possible, just have to be patient.

Mover and a shaker. Parker likes to kick and punch all over the place. He likes to lay in his playgym and look and grab for his toys lying on his back; and is getting really good pushing up on his stomach. Big milestone was rolling over to his belly in his crib on 1/29/13-his 3 month birthday! And has continued to keep practicing this new skill each night primarily.
He's found his hands...and loves to shove them in his mouth like big sausages. He's realizing that he can grab onto things now and bring them to his mouth to test out as well. - Therefore we need to make sure all choke-able items are out of reach-including some of Addy's toys.
Smiling and laughing all the time, my little flirt. And he's "talking" and babbling all the time now-and he gets louder and louder if someone else (Addison) is talking too. This is just the beginning of them vying for our attention.

Addison  2.5 months

Parker got to meet his Grandpa Jones for the first time as well, when he came in town for his Baptism. Grandpa was a big help the week he was here, as this is when Parker and Addison were both sick with colds. Poor little guy had to be put on a nebulizer treatment, and was running a low grade fever for 3 days-including his baptism. The Dr. said it was a form of RSV, and his lungs were wheezing a bit-so we will need to keep an eye on his lungs when he gets sick in the future. Can't believe he has had his first illness already- but between the time of year, and having a big sister-it was bound to happen. Now, he's feeling much better and back to his normal self.

First time meeting Grandpa Jones...I don't know who was smiling bigger. Too cute*

Grandpa with Addison (4 days old)

Grandpa loving nap time with his grandchildren,,,one day they all slept for 2.5hrs.

Loving our family of four now. Definitely can't imagine our lives without this little man. And I don't know what Addy would do all day if she didn't have her brother to constantly check on and take care of. She's such a good big sister.

He's definitely a ladies man...getting some loin' from his 2 leading ladies.

Sister-Brother Love. Melts my heart. Addy's favorite thing to do with Parker now is read to him. One night she did this for 45 minutes while I cooked dinner. He loves to watch  every move she makes and is constantly smiling when she talks to him. I can tell they are going to be close...

My new Favorite picture

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