Well, I haven't been very good at these "monthly" posts the past few months...but, let's just say I tried.
Miss Addi:son Rose is becoming a little girl before our very eyes, with new vocabulary, expressions and actions every day. It amazes me that she is not even 2 yet, but can hold little "conversations".
Here are a few things she's said lately:
"It looks like a fish, but it's a whale" (When I asked her what the picture was of a whale)
"It's not hot, it's just warm" (Talking about her food)
"It's not bad, not bad at all" (Says this multiple occasions)
"Lay down, close your eyes, go to sleep, (no talking)" (Talking to her dolls)
"Tuck me in, and rub my back" (When she goes to bed/nap)
"It's ok baby, don't cry, I got you" (Talking to her baby doll)
"What's the matter? Don't cry." (Talking to her dolls)
"Did you hurt yourself?"
"Mommy coming too? Let's take a walk."
"Put down your purse, take your coat off" (When I walked in the door from work)
"Baby's crying, change her diaper"
"Addy do....." she loves to talk in the 3rd person.
"Go to the beach, play in the sand, go swimming, watch the whales" - we've obviously been talking a lot about our upcoming vacation! :)
Counting: 1-15 ; can identify when we hold up our hand how many fingers we're holding up.
Constantly says if she has 1, 2 or 3 of "something" - for example if she's holding 2 flowers going to the park in her stroller, getting 3 books to read before bedtime. She prefers to have 2 of things, so she can hold one in each hand.
Letters: She loves her letter puzzle from Uncle B...and can accurately and consistently identify the letters: A, B, C, F, H, K, M,N, O, Q, R, S, T, W, X, Y, Z.
Responds to:
"what's your name?" - "Addison" or "Addy"
"what's your middle name? "Rose"
"what's your last name? "Seghi"
She really enjoys playing with her dolls, baby doll (feeding, diaper changes, tea parties, putting them to sleep, un-dressing them), building blocks, doing puzzles, coloring with crayons and markers, playing with her little people, reading books, playing with chalk outside, and going to the park.
Bird watching early in the morning after breakfast.... |
Loves playing with chalk outside and blowing bubbles |
Helping Mommy with Suduko and word scrambles |
First McDonalds chicken nuggets and french fries....didn't like it at all... |
Still potty training... |
Mommy in training... |