Christmas 2011 x 6 (again)
Merry Christmas everyone! We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Adam and I used to say when we were dating that Christmas had started to lose it's excitement, and we looked forward to the day that it got exciting again....that is when we would have our own family. I can definitely say that Christmastime is so exciting now and we really got into the spirit of it all this year. Having a 1.5year old really makes you smile all day long, and appreciate the little things in life. We have so much to be thankful for this year, and too many blessings to count.
Adam and I were off of work for almost a week together to spend time together with all of our family. The festivities began on Friday night Dec. 23rd at Sam and Alicia's new house (Adam's cousin) with the Seghi side. Addison got to play with her cousin, Jacob who is a few weeks older than she is. They were definitely the center of attention for the night...and made everyone smile. Needless to say this started the weekend of late nights...bedtime was at 11:30pm for Addy...
Congratulations to Sarah and Jim, who will be expecting Jacob's first sibling in July! So exciting!!
Round two was Christmas eve. We enjoyed the day at home, and then went to mass at 4:00. It was by far the most crowded it's ever been...despite getting there at 3:15, we were still standing. And to top it off...Addison kept telling me "poppy mommy" "poopy on the potty", I had to weave out of the church, and through the narthex to the bathroom....and she didn't have to go of course.
Yes, potty training began while we were off...with Addison initiating it...she pooped and peed 3 times on the potty in 3 days...but, then decided she didn't want to anymore. Oh, toddlers.
We went over to Mom and Dad Seghi's for Christmas eve dinner with Lauren, and had a nice evening together.
Christmas morning at our house...I could barely sleep...I think I was just as excited for Christmas morning this year as I was when I was 5years old. I kept waking up, looking at the clock, listening to hear if Addison was awake...and of course she slept in until 8am.
She didn't really fully grasp the whole concept that the wrapped gifts had something in them for we had to prompt her to start them.
Our Christmas tree was in our front den, so we could have breakfast before we went in there...who knows how much longer this will last...I'm sure next year she will be running in there as soon as we go downstairs.
We enjoyed our morning and then she was able to take a nice long nap before we continued on our festivities at my Uncle Dan's house for the Carlson family Christmas.
Addison loved playing with their cats...chasing them around, really.
Someone is just too busy to sit still for pictures anymore... |
On to the Peszek family Christmas later that evening, Addy loves playing with all her little cousins.
All the Seghi girls and Grandma Peszek |
Monday, we had the Jones Christmas at our house (my Dad was missed, as he was still recovering from Shingles). It was so nice to relax at home with my family and just hang out for the day and evening. Brian and Sarah brought their miniature dachshund, Kuma...and Addison absolutely loves her!
Angry birds with uncle B |
Cute Couples, aren't we?

This about sums up Christmas for us...full of laughter, smiles and joy. So thankful to be able to enjoy it with everyone. (This is a puzzle from when I was little that Brian refinished for Addison-priceless!)