Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Addison Rolls Over

October 14, 2010

So, I laid the baby on the floor in the family room on her play mat while I went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee...and when I looked over to check on her from the kitchen....she was on her stomach!
I was so shocked, and excited...that I pulled out the video camera to see if she would do it again! This is what I got after I taped for a good 3 minutes of her rolling side to side to side...then turned off the camera....went to get my coffee...and she started to go again...and there you go!! I am such a proud momma now!
Since then she's been a pro with her rolling to her tummy wanting to be on her stomach all the time. It's so amazing to watch her grow and change each and every day. (and as a physical therapist, I feel that I appreciate her milestones that much more knowing what each movement really takes.)
If I'm this excited about rolling...I can only imagine the joys that will come in the future! :)

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