Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October Happenings

Baby Gap photo shoot:
Baby Gap has a casting call every year for new baby faces...so I decided I would take some pictures of my little lady, because of course like every mom I think my baby is the cutest...she is isn't she??!! However, I decided I wanted to keep her to myself...but I got some cute faces out of her anyway:It's been a fun and busy month thus far...

We went to a friends Wedding at the beginning of the month, and Uncle Brian was the all star babysitter! Addison was asleep in her crib at 8:56pm, as I got a text message picture from Brian to confirm that she was on schedule! So proud of my big bro for his first time of babysitting all by himself! :)
Since then, Addison has been on a new schedule of eating and sleeping...still every 3-3:30hrs during the day, but going to bed between 8-830. This has become bittersweet for me, because I do miss her after she goes to bed, but it is also really nice to have some down time to: spend with Adam, workout, clean bottles, blog, go to bed early, clean the house, do laundry, etc.

We had a play date one Saturday morning with our friends The Beu's and their sweet baby girl, Kayla who is exactly 2 months older than Addison. They were so cute playing with each other smiling, laughing, grabbing and touching each other and at one point "holding hands". It's been fun to see them grow, and we look forward to continuing to watch them grow together.

This past Monday was Adam's cousin, Kelly Ann's, 1st birthday. It's hard to believe the time has gone so fast for her and that she's grown up so much. She started walking at 10 months...and I was getting a kick out of her walking around with her bottle...then falling on her butt, and getting up and doing it all over again.

Addison and I have been enjoying our Wednesdays of course, and have started to go to "lapsit story time" at the library. Last week the fireman came to read stories to the babies, and then show off the fire truck. Addy was so alert and wanting to see what everyone was doing and look at all the colors. I wish I had brought my camera with me: I've learned now as a mom I need to always have it packed in the diaper bag. You never know what moment you're going to be able to capture.

But here is us reading at home: She is really loving to read books, looking at all the colors, pictures and grabbing at the pages....the board books are really the best for her right now! :)

Now Addison is really enjoying her new found ability to roll over, and now loves to be on her tummy to play with her toys, or her big toy: Kali dog. She also goes round and round in her exersaucer...and her feet actually touch now for her to bounce up and down.

By the way: this is how big I've grown:
From when I was 5 weeks old to 20 weeks old:

July 1, 2010

Oct. 6, 2010

Addison Rolls Over

October 14, 2010

So, I laid the baby on the floor in the family room on her play mat while I went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee...and when I looked over to check on her from the kitchen....she was on her stomach!
I was so shocked, and excited...that I pulled out the video camera to see if she would do it again! This is what I got after I taped for a good 3 minutes of her rolling side to side to side...then turned off the camera....went to get my coffee...and she started to go again...and there you go!! I am such a proud momma now!
Since then she's been a pro with her rolling to her tummy wanting to be on her stomach all the time. It's so amazing to watch her grow and change each and every day. (and as a physical therapist, I feel that I appreciate her milestones that much more knowing what each movement really takes.)
If I'm this excited about rolling...I can only imagine the joys that will come in the future! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 Months

Stats: 15lbs 3oz weight ; 24.25" length

This past month has really gone by fast with being back to work. Addison is really growing into a little girl with a big personality. She is really responding to us now, and is trying to "talk" to us all the time. When she smiles first thing in the morning---and it just melts my heart. (even when we're all so tired from not sleeping through the night sometimes.) She has definitely been worth every minute. When I come home from work, or being away from her for any reason-- she definitely knows who I am. It's so cool to see that and I love it!

Had her 4 month MD visit, and all went well. She is in the 90% for her weight, chubby healthy baby, and 50% for her length and head circumference. Her 2nd round of immunizations went well, no fever or anything!! :) Since she's so healthy, and sleeping well for the most part, we don't have to start on rice cereal for another month or so. We figure she will have her first taste of potatoes at Thanksgiving too!

She's starting to teeth more now---lots of drool and putting anything and everything she can coordinate into her mouth. She loves her "Sophie" giraffe, which is an organic rubber teether. $20 for the "sucker" but worth every penny as it really soothes her. Wonder when the teeth are actually going to come out?

Helping Mommy with my never-ending laundry. I average about 2-3 outfits per day; some days up to 5. But, I have so many cute ones to choose from that it makes it fun!

I'm big enough and strong enough to play in my "exersaucer" now. - It helps to keep me entertained for awhile, with all the colors and sounds and textures! Although, sometimes I want to dive forward so that I can try to "eat" the toys.

Couldn't resist this while we were getting changed one day:

Big girl sitting with Elmo on the couch

All smiles:

This months "photo shoot" was a little more challenging---took both Adam and I to keep her from rolling over and falling forward. She's just a little mover, and doesn't want to sit still.

Adam and I have been quite busy the past few weeks as well. We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on Sept 22, going out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant Bien Trucha in Geneva. It was a really nice night-- I can't believe how much our lives have changed in the past 3 years. :) Then, we had our 10yr high school reunion- and a bunch of our high school friends came into town. Addy got to meet more of her "aunts and uncles". "Auntie L", Laura stayed with us for the weekend---and soaked up her time with the baby. :)

Looking forward to Addy's first Halloween....we went to the pumpkin patch this weekend to start off the fall festivities: Any guesses on what she's going to be?

P.s. She "officially" rolled over today, Oct 6th, all by herself! Such a big girl!