Addy celebrated her 3 month birthday on Tuesday August 31st- @ daycare-. It was a hard day for me to be away from her, but I was glad I had the whole day to spend with her on Wednesday. We took her pics in her big girl rocking chair in the nursery- and this photo shoot went much easier than the first 2 - now that she can hold her head up well. I tried to get some smiles from her, but the camera didn't seem to catch any of them fast enough.
3 months has brought her:
-Sitting up without head support, she can now sit in her bumbo and be completely occupied with her toys or watching us or the TV. (Grandma Seghi has started watching Sesame Street with her on Tuesdays :) )
-Reaching for her toys, and bringing them to her face to explore further.
-Rolling over from her side to her back and side to her stomach. ( and a couple times from her belly to her back-when she got really frustrated)
- Loves to stand on our laps, or the table or the floor--and even pick her feet up and down. ( We wonder if she's going to be an early walker)
- Smiles at familiar faces---or happy people who are smiling at her.
-Laughs when we make funny faces or sing songs to her. ( I think she thinks my voice is funny, haha)
- Checking out the whole new world around her- her favorite position to be held in now is facing outward so she won't miss anything. ( The other day on our walk, she was sure to check out every tree we passed...and was so amazed)
-Another growth spurt that started after I put the last post up, and jinxed myself, so now she is waking up in the middle of the night again (hopefully this is temporary)
- and finally..a little cold with a boogery runny nose.