Wednesday, February 12, 2014

15 Months

Parker Ryan 15 Months.

Height: 31.25" (50%)
Weight: 24lbs 12oz (75%)

Dare. Devil.
You are such a boy. Physical, physical, physical.  You really like to test the limits of your physical abilities. Trying to climb on everything and anything.  We need to keep our constant eye on you, and make sure we try to stay one step ahead of you. We've found you on top of the little kids table, end table - standing up.  You can climb up on the couch now too. You like to climb up/down the stairs - and even took a tumble at G & G's - scaring us all more than anything.  You definitely have had your fair share of bumps and bruises...and i'm sure those will only continue through the years in your boyish ways.

Parker vs. bookshelf.

One of your favorite things is to pull out all the dvds...then climb on top of the box.

Favorite things: your taggies blanket, paci, books, thomas the train, little people, coloring with crayons, stacking blocks/knocking them down, food/eating, baths.

You can definitely get your point across. Typically it's by pointing, and grunting.  Going to the kitchen and pointing for a cup/bottle. going to the pantry for a snack, or straight to your high chair to hang on until someone puts you in it to eat.
You're starting to sign a little now for "more" and "all done".
Words: your favorite word is: "mama" - all day (you call mommy and daddy mama - daddy's waiting for dada). ; "a-yee" (Addy); ball; book; baby; ba-ba (bottle/cup); apple; cheese; bowl; car
You said "grampa" the other day too; and are working on saying da-de; and bye.
You like to try to say "P" words: "pup", "pop" (Popsicle); "pep" (peppa)
Animal sounds: "baa"; "moo"
Understanding: "throw that away"; "let's go up(down)/stairs"; "let's take a bath"; "get your kiki/paci"; - you really are involved in your day - and know what's going on.
You an definitely get your point across though - even if it's running over to what you want, and pointing at it - and yelling to get our attention. It sometimes takes a few guesses, and Addison helping of course, to determine what you may want.
You are doing a good job pointing out animals and objects in books - so I know that mind of yours is churning.
Definitely not talking as much as Addy was at this age - which makes us realize how advanced she really was - but you are a boy- and also #2 - which is all VERY normal.- and Dr. Joy said you are doing even better with communication than most boys at 15months. :)

Body parts: You can identify your: head, nose, eyes (you say "I-ZZ" too), mouth, belly, toes, feet.

Actions: clap hands, wave bye-bye. You like to sing if you're happy and you know it - and you start clapping. You wave hi and bye to everyone you soon - and even to say good night. It's a nice up and down wave. Your sister definitely had the princess, parade wave (fitting).

You're eating more than Addison is these days. You can eat several servings - and typically ask for more. Favorites: pasta of course; fruits; veges; cereal. You really will try anything and eat most of anything we give you - all table food now, LOVE it. You love to have your own snack cup now and carry it around with you. You're also starting to feed yourself more with a spoon/fork; and want to have a plate with your food all on it - rather than on the high chair tray. And you are always wanting whatever anyone else is eating of course.  Daycare also asked us to bring you more "snacks" since you tend to still be hungry after you finish the "pre-portioned" meals - LOL. My chubby babies - love.  We're transitioning you away from bottles - since we've used them more with you being sick in the past month. Stopped nursing at 13 months - it was a good transition for both of us. Now, you love the whole organic milk - so creamy!

We've been doing better in this department since you turned 1 year. However, you've had your fair share of illness in the past month which has thrown this off at night - as well as sprouting some new teeth in the past week. Napping is going better - we were about to drop to 1 nap a day (and sometimes still do); but you are still rocking 2 naps 9/10 for 30-75min; and 1:30pm (1-2:30hrs).  Also doing better staying asleep for afternoon nap on your own. I think school has helped you be less of a light sleeper, and tire you out more as well for your naps.  At school you take 1 or 2 naps too. You are a big snuggler - and love your cuddle time - whether first thing in the morning, after nap - or the middle of the night. Nothing melts my heart more than, "mama, mama" and snuggling into my chest and lying down.

My cuddle bugs. You love to snuggle up with mommy, daddy and sissy.

Teeth: 3 on the top - 2 on the bottom. Your top right is coming in next - hence the sleepless nights of late.

You started daycare in mid-December when Grandma went back to work. :( It's been a good transition, although difficulty initially, for everyone. Daddy actually started a new job that day too. Mornings are a little more hectic 3 days a week now, when mommy works, and has to get the 2 of you out the door at 7am...but we're working on it. You're doing well there, despite the screaming at drop-off - which is lasting less longer now (now you're done by the time I close the door and put my shoes on in the hallway). Addy is enjoying having you at "her school" with her - and you can visit eachother during the day. You're enjoying playing with other little ones your age - and doing all sorts of art projects (that I don't dare try at home).

Our own cousins play group with Jaxon

Whatever Addison is doing - you will follow her along. You love to read books (goodnight moon, brown bear, brown bear; goodnight chicago; snuggle puppy, belly button book, play with little people, her dolls, play in the play kitchen and real kitchen (tupperware, pots/pans, - the noisier the better), musical instruments,

Finally getting her back...pulling her hair.

But, you still want to be next to her all the time.

"Say "cheese" Parker! Your stickers look beautiful"


Firsts these past few months:
 The snow: such an much fun.



You love your Santa present...and like to sit in it - as well as climb all over it.

Chill time with Sissy:

Such a big boy now...sitting on the couch.