Thursday, June 20, 2013

Parker 7 Months

Parker Man...
 7 months - nearing the 20lb mark at a doctors appointment on 6/3/13.

Lots of changes this month for you little man.

CRAWLING: on Mother's day 5/19/13. He is army crawling our floors with his belly. He started just going a few feet...and now he is EVERYWHERE. It's fun to watch him be able to crawl towards something he's interested in...especially Addison's toys. (We're learning the art of sharing now)

Sitting up: like a pro now. Reaching forward and side to side for his toys.
Sitting to prone (belly): easily transitions keeping his head up the whole time.
Tasting: EVERYTHING is going in the mouth at this point...he's gotta be getting a tooth soon...but I know this is also his way of exploring his environment. He especially likes books and we need to keep an eye on him ALL the time.

Eating: more new foods this month: apples, pears, green beans, avacados, bananas. Starting to combine fruits into the oatmeal now too. Nursing 5-6x per day. Taking 5oz bottles still.

Sleeping: It's been a little better this month with sleep. We've had more episodes of sleeping through the night...he's go like 3-4 days in a row...then be up nightly for a week or so. He likes to keep us on our toes...and party in the middle of the night. We're working on self-soothing more and he likes to roll all over his crib and wake himself up. He likes rubbing his hands together, or holding a taggie blanket to help with this - along with his pacifier and music.

Personality: My sweet little baby boy is such a flirt. He constantly has a smile on his face...and is always smiling at all of us...and strangers too.  During the day he couldn't be's the middle of the night that his temper comes out and gets MAD. But, wouldn't we all if we wanted to be sleeping and wanted mommy and daddy with us?

Firsts this month:
1. swing at the park

 2. Out to dinner in a high chair: love our "hippo" clip on chair by Chicco, convenient easy set up and clean.

Mother's Day: I'm so blessed

Sibling Love...playing all the time...Parker could watch Addison ALL day...

Escape artist...more difficult getting these pictures myself...while Miss Addison reads her book...

Loves to hang outside now...and actually likes the grass.