Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Parker 5 months

Developmental Milestones:
Has officially discovered his feet...see above! Is fascinated with his little toes..and likes to take his socks off.

Sitting up - since 4.5 months - pretty much can sit by himself- just needs to have a pillow behind him in case he loses his balance and falls backwards. He does pretty well when falling forward or to the sides to catch himself- and slowly makes his way to his belly.  This really makes me think he'll be crawling VERY soon. - I guess around 6 months. He is very motivated to move- especially with his big sister. I bet he can't wait to crawl and chase her around the house.
First time sitting up on 3/16/13

Rolling - he's rolling more from his belly to back - but still wakes himself up at night getting stuck on his belly. He can do it...he just needs more practice and belly time! :)

He's still doing well with breastfeeding and growing well. He's eating about every 3-4hrs during the day now. Typically 5x day now - 630, 930, 1230, 330/4; and 7/730. And sometimes in the middle of the night. I'm sure he'll be excited to start on cereal next month and some real food. He's a healthy, growing boy that's for sure!

My little chubby babies..."chub chubs" as Addy calls him. and yes...she is slimming down. :)
All he would sleep in for 2 weeks...
Typically is taking 3 naps per day: 2 long morning naps 1-2hrs and then a long afternoon nap 1-2 hrs and a short one before dinner. He was sleeping through the night (8pm-6am) pretty consistently the first part of the month (March) but the past 2 weeks he's gone back to waking up 1-2 times per night. Frustrating for us because we can't seem to figure out what his deal is. I'm trying not to feed him at night so that he can get back into the routine of sleeping through the night and not expecting to be fed at night. He's been a good sleeper since he was born- but we're ready for him to let us sleep some more at night. Adam and I agree that it's been too long since we've had a good night sleep...I guess it could always be worse.

How our mornings usually start now a days...everyone piles in to mommy and daddy's bed.

Loves bath time - this was the first trial of them together in a bath - and only for a while. The bumbo seat I attempted to use for this just wanted to float... Cute though. :)

His Favorite entertainment is Addison - big sissy. He watches her all day long...and just laughs and smiles at her. He thinks she's hysterical; and mesmerizing. Parker's also discovered our big black lab - Kali and looks at her in amazement - I don't think he knows what to think of her yet. Kali loves him just like Addison, and has been sleeping in his room a lot lately.

Reaching, grabbing, raking toys his way all the time...then switching from hand to hand...and then in the mouth for a taste. Likes to hold all different objects and textures, rattles, books, blocks, teethers, stuffed toys, blankets, etc.

Excersaucer "his office" is the big hit most of the time. He just jumps up and down in it and laughs, smiles and turns himself around to all the toys - and the toys that Addison puts in there for him. He can watch us and play himself - it's a win-win for everyone.

Reading books- Addison loves to read books to Parker still...and will continue on for a long time i'm sure. He enjoys looking, touching the pages and seems to really be interested in what we are telling him.
Peek-a-boo: loves playing this game and laughs so hard!
Pat - a - Cake: loves playing this game too, and Addy likes to practice her letters for all the "mark it with a "P", "A", etc" for the whole family.



Little man and I on St. Patty's Day

Parker's First his very own Easter basket. :) March 31st, 2013. More to come. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Addison update

It's been awhile since I did an update on Miss Rose. She's been taking her role seriously as, big sister, as evident by Parker's monthly posts.  But, she has continued to develop herself.

Vocabulary: really, quite amazing to me and most people she meets. Her "teachers" at school say that she is talking like a 4yr old and that they can have full conversations with her unlike any of the other kids in the room. "she's the smartest in the class". I think she sometimes relates to and talks to the teachers more than the kids. Typically talks in 10-15 word sentences; and can fully express her wants, needs, likes and DISLIKES.  She also likes to tell US what WE want, or need....especially Parker. She is the boss.

Personality: She continues to light up any room she walks into, and continues to be "the mayor". She needs to know WHO everyone is, and their relationship to everyone. ie: "Parker is my brother; and he's your son mommy" and "Grandma Jones is your mommy." She's a little diva and princess, and likes to play dress up and wear "a pretty dress" everyday. She likes to walk around the house in her play dress up clothes, tights and "glass slippers". I think she walks better in heels than I do. And can even wear my heels and boots without losing her balance. She likes to dress up and turn on Pandora and dance to music with us. She does NOT like the word "NO", and continues to test the boundaries of how far she can push things and us before she gets into trouble.  ie: pulling on her brother, jumping off furniture, throwing things, making a mess, etc. However, she continues to be my sweet baby girl, and likes to give cuddles and kisses as well.

Cheesy Smiles

Loves: to read books to herself, Parker, us, and her "friends". Her "guys" include: Elmo, Cinderella, and baby doll. - she takes them everywhere with her. around the house, to the bathroom, out of the house. She still loves putting people "nigh-night" and covering them up, over and over again. - she likes to play this game with mommy and daddy too. :);  to play dress up!

Songs: Loves to sing all sorts of songs. Mary Poppins still her favorite; especially the broadway version. She just learned "I'm a little teapot", The "bear hunt" song/book is also her favorite right now and likes to act it out. Also: "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom"; "No more pacifier for piggy", Beranstein Bears "New Baby", "where the wild things are", "goldilocks", and of course Cinderella and Snow White.

My little helper in the kitchen...loves to cook...preferably bake. Here she is frosting cupcakes for Daddy's bday

Fell asleep at the dinner table 2x in the past few months after refusing her nap earlier that day

Still my baby girl
Love this...

Long legs..thinning out

New skills: She's learning how to cut - and says "Mommy, I want to cut stuff" with her safety scissors. She's definitely prefers lefty still...which makes it difficult to show her how to cut things. Grandpa Jones-we need your help! and Jigsaw puzzles...28 piece puzzles that "I can do it by myself".

Movies: New ones lately include, "the Wizard of Oz", "Tangled", "Cinderella", "Peter Pan", "Brave"

TV shows: "Backyardigans", "Yo Gabba Gabba"

Still Loves bath time...and can't wait for summer to go swimming more in the pool!