Stats: weight: 15lbs 14oz; length: 25.5" (12oz bigger than Addison and 1.25" longer)
Milestones: rolling over belly to back - a few times this past month, but is still working on mastering this skill. He likes to sleep on his side, or his belly in his crib-and often wakes up stuck on his belly and BOY oh BOY does he get MAD.
Eating: He's still eating about 5-6x per day 4oz bottles while I'm gone; and then continuing to nurse like a champ. He's a power about 5-10min most of the time. So much easier than his sister taking 45 minutes to an hour at this age.
My chunky monkey |
Sleeping: Little man has slept through the night several times this past month, but hasn't made it a consistent thing yet. He's usually going down between 8-9pm and will sleep some nights until 4 or 5 or 6; and sometimes is up at 12. Has continued to take cat naps during the day about 45min - 1 hour between each feeding; and usually a longer 1-2:30hour nap in the afternoons. This nap is key, especially if I can get both him and Addy down around the same time.
Playing: He is thoroughly entertained by his big sister. He just is mesmerized by her, watching her every move. He is putting EVERYTHING into his mouth..and loves Sophie giraffe, rings, and any toy he can manipulate to his face. We pulled out the exersaucer in the past week-and he sits up like a pro in it and just bounces around and plays with and looks at all the toys. He likes to practice sitting up in his bumbo to watch us eat our meals, and play on the floor with Addison.
I Just LOVE how they "play" together. I hope this lasts FOREVER...and if not, I have these beautiful memories to look back on...and remind them how much they LOVE each other.
Our First snow, Finally!
Addison LOVED it...(more to come on Miss Rose); Parker was blinded by the brightness of it all. :)