I haven't done a post about Addy since her 2yr birthday now...and she's really grown more into a smart little girl these past few months.
It's so much fun now to actually be able to hold conversations with our little 2 year old. She can be really funny, or really serious at times...and both makes me smile.
Her vocabulary is expanding by the day....and she's really starting to string more words together. She easily is speaking in 5-6 word sentences most of the day, and I think we've counted up to 12-15 at times. Like, "I want to see the pumpkin, in the kitchen, over there daddy." She really loves to sing songs, especially "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" by Mary Poppins and Old MacDonald had a farm are her 2 favorites...and have been for several months. She likes to play on her "Addy Xoom" (the motorola tablet my brother gave her for her birthday), and find all sorts of songs on You Tube....as well as play different games. It's amazing to see this new generation be able to navigate technology so easily.
ABC's...she knows almost every letter now...and can even tell you what words correlate to them. "A, is for ant" (or alligator or Addison), S is for sprinkles or Seghi, X is for xray or xylophone, etc. We read a lot of books with the alphabet in them at home, and they're also working on this at school.
Colors....she definitely knows all of her colors now, and loves to color with markers and water color paint.
Eating: our little girl is still a good eater, and still will try most things...but has an opinion as to what she wants to eat too. (don't we all). So, it works for us to give her some choices, and then she can make the decision. It's all about the power with a 2year old...and if they feel like they are in control they are much happier. (even though you still are) Her favorites of the moment are muffins (blueberry especially), any fruit (especially raspberries and oranges), "squeezables" (squeezable applesauce or mixed fruit/veges) and mac n cheese or any type of pasta. Gotta love my carb girl...just like mommy.
Sleeping: We went through a rough patch with sleeping toward the end of summer and early fall. She was having some major separation anxiety and didn't want to be left alone in her room. We had to do lots of stroller rides or car rides to get her to go down for naps, and bedtime routines started to drag out until almost 9pm. Luckily, this was all temporary, and she is now back on a schedule of naps at home and going down by 815. This is all good, as we prepare for baby #2 to come soon...and I will definitely take advantage of my sleeping babies...and sleep when they are for awhile. Melts my heart now when she says, "Good night momma, I love you" as I close the door at night - or she yells to me downstairs as Adam puts her to bed.
Milestones: Just got her bottom 2 - 2 year molars. And suprisingly wasn't too fussy about this. Discovered the first one breaking it's way while brushing her teeth one night. She has been liking to brush her teeth more-I think to soothe the pain from the teething...and also popsicles and the squeezable frozen go-gurt yogurts have been doing the trick daily. She's definitely getting really good walking reciprocally up and down stairs holding on a little to the wall or railing ... or even without. Although, of course she insists to be carried because it's easier...but we are trying to break her of this before baby #2.
Little mommy: Addison is definitely a little mommy to her baby doll (aka the toy story baby doll...since she is so stained and has a hole in her neck). She likes to roll play with her baby: rocking her to sleep, putting her in her little carseat, stroller, grocery cart, bed, crib, etc. She likes to feed her with a bottle, and her play food and put her in the high chair too and of course change her diaper. It will be neat to see how she reacts, and changes this roll play when baby #2 comes. She's already been putting her in the bassinet which we have set up next to the bed....
Little diva: She's starting to express her opinion on what she wants to wear also. This shall get interesting as time goes by. She still somewhat lets me do her hair-and then tells me what bow or how many pony tails she wants. She loves to wear her princess tshirt - of snow white all the time as well. And she's able to put her shoes on now by her self- almost on the right feet - and of course has an opinion on what ones she wants to wear. The other day she insisted that she wear her black patent leather shoes with her pajamas.
Key phrases of Miss 2 year old Addison:(said with attitude of course)
"I don't like it" - this is relatively new, as she likes to express her opinion when she "doesn't like something".
"No, thank you" - again when she disagrees.
Trip to the apple orchard and pumpkin farm @ Kuipers in Maple Park. Beautiful day in mid September.
Hanging out with Mommy before bed time feeling the baby kick:
Playing with Lucy Hill...prepping for being a big sister. Addison had the biggest smile on her face when Lucy was here...she loved playing with her and sharing all her toys. Lucy is 9 months
Famous Seghi Ravioli Party on 10/6/12:
Addison and Kayla - best friends (wow, they're getting big!) |
Checking out some of the 400 homemade raviolis |