20 Months.
Never did I think that Addison would be able to do all that she is doing and saying at 20 months. We've got one special little girl on our hands. I can only imagine what she will be like as she grows older, and wiser (or at least thinks so).
Addison's vocabulary has expanded exponentially over the past 6 weeks. Big milestones include:
*Counting to 10 at the start of January, now she can count to 13.
*ABC's: She started to be able to fill in the blanks of the ABC song at the end of December, and now she can sing the whole song herself...over and over....including the "Now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me".
*Other songs include: "twinkle twinkle little star", "Old MacDonald" (I woke up the other day to her singing this and YELLING "OLD MACDONALD had a farm...e - i - e - i - o"), "Motor boat, Motor boat", "Patty cake", "Ring around the Rosie", "Row Row Row your boat"
*She is consistently stringing together 3-4 word sentences all the time....ie: "Mommy, we're home", "Take a bath, please",
*Colors: purple, green, orange, yellow, pink, white, -usually is pretty consistent with saying these and correctly identifying....however, red, blue usually get called something else before she says the correct color.
*Repetition, Repetition, Repetition....yes, we really need to watch what we say now. Because we have a parrot on our hands. We're already starting to spell out things...
Her obsessions this month:
*Sesame Street...specifically Elmo's world...and the intro song. She has even figured out how to use Adam's Iphone and our XOOM tablet to click on itunes or YouTube to find the episode, click on it, and be able to rewind it or fast forward it to what she wants. CRAZY?!- yes, she is only 20 months! (She can also do this for Angry Birds...)
*Mary Poppins....thank you Auntie Lauren for introducing her to her absolute favorite thing in the world. Specifically loves the dancing waiter penguins and the "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" song .... where she just likes to say "docious" every time...except tonight she started singing it and trying to say the whole thing ...unprompted mind you. She also loves to sing "Chim Chimney" and "Step in time". When she was tired the other day, I tried to put in a different movie...Lion King or Finding Nemo...and she INSISTED we watch Mary Poppins...
*Loves to play tea party with her friends at her new little table and feed her baby doll in the baby stroller/highchair.
*Loves to change all of her friends-baby dolls/stuffed animals diapers-and arrange them of so perfectly, and look into the diaper to see if they went "pee-pee or poopy"
Do you notice how everyone has to be perfectly lined up? Yes, this is Addison...and it takes her lots of time to make it "just so". |
*Loves to put her friends "nigh-night" and cover them up with blankies....over and over so it's just right...and say "tuck you in" (because this is what we do with her now every night and nap)
Potty Training:
Well, we had a 4 week hiatus from this because she was a little more timid with going to the potty...especially since we had returned "Duck Goes Potty" book to the library. So, I ordered this book from Barnes and Noble, and started to reintroduce the idea to her over the past week. And, what do you know?! She went pee-pee on the potty last tonight...and 2 more times today. She continues to tell us when she has to go pee-pee or poopy, so I think it's just a matter of time. :) My close girlfriends recommended the Lora Jensen...so, I am going to read up on this and perhaps she will be potty trained by the next post!
Addison teaching Kayla how to go on the potty...of course in the bathtub is more fun |
Loves practicing her swimming skills in the bathtub...."blast offs" and "scoops" and "kicks" |
Loves helping Mommy and Daddy vacuum the house:
Cutie pie sitting in her new chair from Grandpa Jones and playing with Mommy's hat:
Addy has been Kali's little nurse for the past month, as she has been recovering from her ACL surgery. Yes, our crazy puppy tore her ACL. We've definitely had our hands full the past month as Kali has only been able to go out on a leash, and Adam had to carry her up and down the stairs for the first 2 weeks. But, glad to say she is doing better each day and was well worth the BIG $$ we spent to have it fixed. After all, she is our first "baby."