Monday, October 17, 2011

San Diego Sept 2011

Adam, Addison and I went to San Diego to visit my Dad for the first time since Addison was born.  It was her very first plane ride and her 2nd state (as my Dad quickly pointed out). 3 days before our big trip, Addy woke up all boogery and draining....sure enough we took her to the doctor and she had an ear infection.  The doctor said it was a good thing we brought her when we did and got her started on anti-biotics, or she wouldn't have been able to fly (for fear of a ruptured ear drum).
Adam and I were more of a mess as new, nervous nelly parents for Addison's first plane ride...with an ear infection to top.... We flew we casually made our way down to the gate...letting her burn as much energy walking as she could...and sure enough they had already started to board.  I had my little freak out moment thinking we were going to get stuck in a horrible seat (since southwest is first come first serve for seats)...but we lucked out and got the bulk head (front row)...and unfortunately someone had to sit with us as the flight was completely full.  Addison was her usual rockstar self, and just played, snacked, read books, watched elmo...until she FINALLY fell asleep for the last 45 minutes.  And yes, her ears were just fine.

Our trip was fun filled with swimming in my Dad's pool, going for walks in the hilly neighborhoods, hanging out with my Dad and his wife Glenna, the San Diego Zoo and Delmar Beach.

My dad's house is was so relaxing to just wake up and go outside to play and drink some coffee.

*Quality time with Grandpa Jones*

           Addison is definitely a little water baby, and loved swimming in the pool everyday!

Meeting Aunt Sherry and Cousin Jennifer for the first time

The San Diego Zoo is by far the best zoo in the world-and it's huge!! I hadn't been there in many years, and we really enjoyed ourselves.  Addison was spoiled that this was her first official zoo visit (besides her birthday trip to the Cosley zoo), and I'm sure she will want to go back every time we visit.  The terrain is pretty trecherous...lots of up and down huge hills and we all got a workout in.

"ooh-ooh" she says pointing to the monkeys!

This panther kept pacing back and forth in front of us...such a beautiful, big animal.

The San Diego has an awesome program where they pair each cheetah with a dog when they are first born to help train them! So cool to see dogs (labs typically) and cheetahs running around together!

My Favorite were the elephants this trip, this guy was giving us a show.

Addison's favorite animal of the day: Llama's - who would have guessed it?! Even when they were right next to the dozen or so huge elephants...she didn't care...she just wanted to watch the Llama's. How cute is that?

Dance party at the zoo!
New words during this trip: "Llama" (sounds like ma-ma a bit), "pool", "beach", "che-che" (cheetah).
And of course she LOVED the beach, and the sand.... Too bad there were so many shark sightings that week- and the water was so cold.  We will go swimming in the ocean next time.  Yeah! Her first time seeing the ocean!