Thursday, September 15, 2011

15 Months

15 Months...

What a fun past few months it has been.  Our little lady has definitely grown more into a little girl and toddler than a baby.  Watching her learn new things, new words and new actions on a daily basis has been so amazing to see.  Everyone says that "this is such a fun age", and I totally agree.

15 month stats:
Weight: 26lbs1oz (90%)
Height: 31" (75%)
Head Circumference: 42cm (50%)

Getting comfy INSIDE my toy box...

Trying to keep track of all of her developments on this blog, so we'll start with that exponentially expanding vocabulary:

New Food words (her favorite thing to do is eat, haha): "nana" (banana), cheese, "bluebs" (blueberries), "boq-boq" (chicken), O's, "Kix", "go-gurt" (yogurt), milk, wa-wa (water),

More new words: pool, "poop" (Adam thinks this is hysterical),  pee-pee, moon, nigh-night (she does this when she gets tired and wants to go to sleep), , clock or tick-tock (she has an obsession with clocks and finding them anywhere we go---she loved my mom's house which has one or two in each room), "itsy-bitsy" (for "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider song-she loves to sing everyday during meal time or diaper changes); "block", "hot" (she now says this for anything that is remotely greater than room temperature...), "uh-oh"(especially when she drops something or can't find something), "oh no!", "Abby" (for Abby-Caddaby-from sesame street who is also on her new pair of shoes, picture her saying this almost in a whisper), "elmo" or "mo"(she LOVES Elmo); "uppy" (for up when she wants to be picked up as she stretches out her arms to us, or she says this to herself when she pushes herself up after she's fallen down or gets up from the floor); "me" (for me or mine-when she wants something or is holding something)
The BIG one this month: "NO" ----- ha, we knew this one would come, but not so fast and she says it for anything and everything that she does NOT want, be it food, napping, being held or being put down, etc.
Sorting her blocks...she can also stack 2-3 of them now...good fine motor skills

Pointing to her clock on her toy house

More clocks at Grandma Jones'

New People/animals: , daisy (the Seghi's dog), pa-pa (grandpa), B (for uncle Brian), Nata (natalie her teacher at school), woof-woof (for all other dogs), chee-chee (cheetah), llama (llama), "bur-bur" (bird)

Sounds: vroom-vroom (vacuum and car)

New Animal sounds: Neigh (horse); hoo-hoo (owl), pfff (elephant), tweet-tweet (bird), roarrr (lion, tiger, bear), ooh-ooh (monkey), "mee" (cat)-very high pitched.


She is now signing and saying "more" all the time...for anything that she wants "more" of be it food, reading a book, singing a song, tickling her, or playing a game.

Body parts: She can point to: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, belly, elbow, knees, toes, feet
She tries to even say: "eyes", "nose", "mou", "belly", "toes"

Addison loves to read her picture books- and is getting very good at identifying a multitude of objects consistently in the books (and out in the real world)...she gets so proud of herself and thinks it's so much fun. As I said previously her favorite book right now is "Good Night Moon" and loves to read this over and over and point out all the objects as well as her "Picture Dictionary" book. Also, her added favorite this week is "The Giving Tree".

Addison moved into the toddler room at daycare and is adjusting well with playing with some new and old friends and of course all the new toys.  They only take 1 nap, on a cot, in that room - so that's been a little adjustment as our little lady has been used to the 2 naps a day for the past 6 months.

Sleeping: We are still having her take 2 naps a day at home for now, but I see that turning into 1 in the near future...which will definitely be  more of an adjustment for us than her.

Eating: Our little girl is eating all sorts of big people foods now, and she has an opinion of course as to what she prefers and is in the mood for on a particular day.  Sometimes is just ends up on the floor for her friend Kali to eat.  But, overall she has been a good eater-still LOVEs fruit-especially blueberries and bananas.  And is drinking about 3 cups of milk per day.

We started the Oberwies milk delivery - and it has been so nice to get her fresh milk delivered to our door each week-she is a spoiled little girl.

Playing with all the bears at Great Grandma Carlson's house

This is just sitting still for pictures anymore

Bright Blue eyes pop after I've covered my face in Spaghetti Sauce like a self tanner.

Playing with Daddy outside in the sunshine:

I love to PLAY now: 

Feeding the animals granola bars...

Miss Personality

Sous Chef in training
 Our little lady got silly tonight showing off her sun glasses...she had us all laughing so hard!! Such a ham!

Sneak Peak of the next post: San Diego Trip Sept 2011
My new favorite family photo