Saturday, July 23, 2011


We, Seghis, have been enjoying the summer doing all sorts of fun things. Addison officially started walking all over the place as of Amy's birthday-June 26th, just shy of 13 months. And boy did she just start going....she was walking like she had been forever by the end of that week.  3 kids at daycare all did the same thing, and now they are just running around the room each day- so much fun! It's been nice to have a walker now that we are out and about at the zoo, splash-park, outside playing, parades, family get togethers, etc so that we don't have to hold her all the time-but we still have to watch each move she makes as she is the curious one.
Learning to color with sesame street friends




Cozy coupe battle with my cousin Kelly

Fathers Day 2011- Kickball
Addison is definitely a water baby, and has loved playing in her water table outside, our mini-pool and going to the splash park! She's getting ready to go to San Diego for her first beach and ocean visit and swim in Grandpa Jones' pool!

Uncle B playtime

Splash park with Auntie L and Mommy

Splash park with the Beu's

Getting creative, sitting in my cozy coupe and playing in the water

Learning something new everyday...she LOVES her books!

Our little talker: here's what she's saying these days: Mama, Dada, Pup-pup, Papa (for Grandpa), baba (bottle or cup), bubba (baby), hi, bye-bye, shoes, O's (cheerios), duck, book, ball, up, balloon,

Animal sounds: Doggy-woof-woof; Duck-guck-guck (quack-quack); chicken: bawk-bawk; kittycat: mmmm (meow), sheep: baa; cow-moooo;

Sounds: vroom-vroom (vacuum cleaner); She tries to repeat most things we say now too. (uh-oh)

Body parts: She can point to: her head, toes, belly, nose.

Rides in the laundry basket

Naked baby running away...

Yoga Baby...downward dog

Foreshadowing the future...

Spaghetti and Meatball time!

Loves her pup-pup

Helping with my diapers

Insisted she eat corn like a big girl!