Tuesday, May 3, 2011

11 Months.- (23lbs )

I looked at Addison today, and realized....she's not a little baby (infant) anymore, she's growing into a little toddler girl with a BIG personality. For those of you that have gotten to see her more recently, you can attest to this. She loves to be the center of attention, and is such the little entertainer. I believe we are going to have are hands full as the years go by. :)

These monthly shots have been so classic. However, I think Adam and I both agree we are only doing one more for her 12 month- it's gotten a little ridiculous.

Check out all those teeth! (4)

Addison, cross your legs like a lady!!

Check out those rolls....they're still there!!

She was rocking the rocking chair, back and forth like crazy. She thought is was so much fun and hysterical! :) You can actually see some of her blond hair in this pic. She looks bald from the front, but she really does have a good amount of very light blond hair!!

Baby escaped...

To go catch Kali- Obviously VERY excited and proud of herself - yelling at Daddy!

My First swing ride April 9th -loved it!

Cruising around all the furniture and her toys effortlessly, with little use of her arms for support- just a finger tip here and there is sufficient.
Walking with her baby stroller and push toys all around the house-running into walls, and furniture and then backing up and going in another direction.
Walking holding onto our hands-fingers mostly, and the other day was pinching the skin on my arm to hold onto.
Walking holding onto Kali -yes Kali, our black lab has become her walking device. haha. :) (We are so lucky to have such an awesome dog)
She just needs to gain a little more confidence, and she will be off and running. (uh-oh)
Standing without holding on to anything- for easily 1-3 minutes at a time- but doesn't stay in one place for that long.
Standing reaching out for different things- and learning what her limits are (as we say in PT-"limits of stability")
and of course crawling....fast...everywhere!! She likes to take little tours and adventures around the house discovering all sorts of things: the toilet paper...Kali's water bowl...the stairs...her highchair (and then standing up, and pushing it along the floor to walk with)...her toybox...and she knows when she gets to something that we don't like her to be doing...she's has the biggest smile, laughs and almost sticks her tongue out saying-haha!

Loves to roll the ball back and forth to us....or Kali (it's the cutest thing to watch them play fetch together, even if Addison only throws it 2ft.)
Loves jumping on our laps
Loves clapping her hands - to show us she's happy, proud of herself, or in response to "When you're happy and you know it" (clap your hands)
Loves waving...to EVERYONE (this girls doesn't know what the concept of a stranger is.)
Loves opening and closing things on her toys or in the house (toy oven, toy mailbox, toy/real doors, toy boxes, etc)
Loves to play with the tv remotes, changing the channels, and turns the TV button on/off/on/off/on/off......
Loves to "read" books, turning the pages and pointing at different things
Loves to play music on her music tables
Loves to "dance" to music we turn on, or "sing" to her. (she was rockin' out to Michael Jackson one morning on Pandora)
Loves playing with Elmo, her dolly's and stuffed animals.-gives them hugs and kisses. :)

Giving Da-da a kiss while taking a break from walking with her stroller.

What is Addison Eating this month?
(I can hear her saying to me, in her head, "Momma, I do")
She loves to feed herself - ANYTHING.
New foods this month: pancakes, elbow noodles, cut up fruit, cut up cheese, potatoes, potato pancakes, more chunkier foods- she's doing a great job with feeding herself and chewing it all well.
Still eating 3 solid meals a day-8am, 12pm, 6pm; nursing morning/evening with 2 more bottles (6oz) during the day. Weaning is going well, and plan to wean her off completely this month as she can have cow's milk at 1yr. Crazy to think that it's been almost a year, and I am so happy to have had the opportunity and experience with Addison to breast-feed. I'm definitely proud of both of us for making it this long (when my original goal was 6 months). But, it really is totally worth it, and gets easier each day-especially after the first month, 3 months and 6 months. Considering it took her 1hr to nurse initially, and now it's 5-7 minutes. Not to mention how much $ it has saved us from buying formula-bought it for the first time last month, $22 a package (which lasts us 10-12 days for her to have 2 bottles a day). So, we've easily saved hundreds, if not thousands of dollars this year. :) And bonus I just got to eat more yummy food.

Teeth: Top Left tooth: April 6th

She's consistently saying Ba-ba, Ma-ma, Da-da, De-de and "puh-puh" (both for Kali-dog). But, she's also trying to repeat whatever we say. She likes to scream if she wants something, so we are working on better communication- using sign language- for "more" when she's eating. Which she actually just started doing more. We're working on "help" too, because she gets frustrated when she's playing with a toy and needs help with it. It's really cool to see her understanding things that we say, and she's trying to communicate with us. It's going to be fun to see what her next words will be... I know this is going to be the biggest challenge in the next year is communication, but we are going to do our best.

Adam and I learned a big lesson in parenting this month. STOP rocking the baby to sleep. It was a habit that we had gotten into early on, and as she got older it just got harder to put her down, because she could immediately stand up and scream knowing we were gone. She started to have more separation anxiety when we would put her down (if she wasn't completely asleep). So, it took about 10 days- and now she is able to go down sleepy, but not completely asleep, and is able to fall asleep on her own. Success!! Thanks to my girlfriends for helping me with this. You guys are the best. :) And yay for Addison!


First nice warm day 80 + degrees: We played outside and took her on her first swing ride. She had so much fun, and is definitely going to love being outside a lot this summer.

Springfield Family Weekend with my best girl friends from college:

The Murphy's (Jamie, Ryan, Tucker -2yrs, Cameron- 5 months), THe Buenings (Jamie, Michael, and twins: Gavin-3 & Landyn-3), The Strobachs (Ashley, Jeff, Jack-4, Louis-2, baby girl #3 due in Aug).

Addison did really well with the 3hr car ride; sleeping half the time, and then playing. We switched her into her convertible car seat this month-which fits her much better than the infant seat. New recommendations are for it to be rear-facing until she's 2, but I don't know how long that will last. We had a great time at the Murphy's playing together and catching up. We went swimming at the hotel too for Addisons first time in a pool. It was a little cold, but she loved it anyway. She was exausted by the end of the day, and slept well in the pack n play in the hotel room. We all had a great time, and it is the first of many get together's with our families.

All the Kiddos outside on the play-set

Boys, Boys, and a girl...

The twins...I think it's Landyn on the left and Gavin on the right. Then Jack in the blue, and Tucker in the other Cardinals shirt.

Love these Women! Holding baby Cameron- such a sweetie!

Uncle B came to visit:

Post coming on Addison's first Easter: