10 month Stats: almost 21 lbs (estimate) 28 1/4 in long (estimate)
Gazing out the window- longing for nicer days to come so I can go outside to play.
We've officially hit the double digit months; and her 1 year Birthday is just around the corner. I honestly can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just Christmas? It's been a fun and busy month with Addison getting out and about - going to the Aquarium with our friends the Beu's and their little girl, Kayla, who is exactly 2 months older than her. (Happy Birthday Kayla!) - going to Grandma Jones', going to Great Grandma Carlson's, and Kayla's Birthday party.
Aquarium pics:
Watching the Beluga whales
Adam and I also went to the Bull's game on March 12th with some awesome 1st row seats for the game against the Utah Jazz, with half time reunion of the 90-91 Bulls (Jordan, Pippen, etc).

What is Addison Eating this month? more finger foods and thicker consistencies: scrambled eggs, cut up fruit (pears, peaches, bananas, blueberries), cheerios (her absolute favorite thing now-a must for every meal), stage 3 baby foods (thicker consistencies), cheese (slices of american cheese, small cubes), mashed potatoes. Eating at least 6 oz of food per meal- and still wants more of course. Going to start introducing more table food as we are able to this month. Any suggestions?
And I like to make a mess when I eat! Isn't it more fun when you get to eat your hand at the same time, rub it all over your face and head too?!

Turned around after I got something out of the fridge...and this is what I see:

And I like to make a mess when I eat! Isn't it more fun when you get to eat your hand at the same time, rub it all over your face and head too?!
Turned around after I got something out of the fridge...and this is what I see:
Drinking? taking a sippy cup of water for most meals- is able to drink herself (for the most part), tried some watered down apple juice, formula and breast-milk. Weaning more from breast-feeding as we make our way to her 1st birthday- currently 3 of 4 feedings a day, making the way to only mornings and evenings soon. ( and stopping pumping at work - woohoo) Taking 6 oz of milk/formula 4 x day.
Physically: CRAWLING is her main mode of transportation this month-and she is getting FAST. Then upon reaching her destination she MUST stand up-be it against a wall, the sliding glass door, the couch, ottoman, tv stand, bookshelf, or our legs. Now she's carrying something with her- usually one of her finger puppet "guys" elmo, bert or ernie.
Standing: supported holding on with 1-2 hands, turning around, reaching, picking up toys, etc.
(she started turning on and off the TV yesterday and thought it was just hysterical and amazing all at the same time)
Standing unsupported (no hands) for 5-10 sec before realizing that she isn't holding, and then just sits down or grabs on for support.
Cruising/Furniture walking: all around the family room couches, tables, bookshelves, etc.
Walking: assisted with our hands holding hers, or with help using her baby stroller or walker/scooter. That's all new this month---and we'll see what this month brings.
Stair climbing: This is her favorite work out during the day- one morning I let her climb up 4 x before her morning nap- and she slept great! :) She's even able to go up one after the other.

Playing: She's doing well being able to play by herself now without requiring us to entertain her- she can easily entertain herself and whoever is watching. She loves to throw her toys - and also throw them one on top of the other alternating hands. She just learned how to roll a ball back and forth to us, and is able to respond to us to get a ball and start rolling it. She's starting to identify what her toys are now. So cool! :) She loves reading books, and will even turn the pages to herself on the floor and feel and look closely at all the pictures.

Communication: She said "Ma-MA"!!! on 3/25/11 in the morning after she woke up and wanted Mommy! Yeah! Couldn't have made me smile bigger. She's saying "Da-Da" too now. Also, new is "De-De" for Kali dog. "Ba-Ba"- which may mean herself or bottle. Who knows how consistent these all are at this point, but at least she's babbling.
Trying to work on some sign language, especially during meals, so that we don't have a lot of screaming when she wants something. She is responding pretty well with "more" and "eat" or "drink" at this poing.
Giving Kisses: so cute now- gives kisses when we say "give mama kiss" - and even gives kisses to her friends in books like elmo of course. At church the other day, she kept giving elmo a kiss :)
Teeth: Right Front Top tooth came in on 3/19/11- she handled this one much better then the first too, and we kinda knew more what to do as well. The Left one is going to be coming in any day now, as it is also pretty swollen.

Graduated to the big girl bath tub now- so I can swim around and play with all my toys: (yes, that's a bruise on her cheek- from a dare devil stunt she was trying.)

Reading with Grandpa Seghi on Thursday Morning St. Patricks Day

Playing with Daddy is my favorite: (discovery of tupperware and wooden spoons = drums)

Probably one of my favorite pics to date

Baby Doll
Here's a typical play by play of Addison in action playing with her favorite "buddies" Bert, Ernie and Elmo.

That's right folks. Daddy is joining in the blog party.
Let me start with by saying this:
Amy has done an amazing job with "The Seghi Family" blog and keeping everyone up-to-date. It takes hours of work to get these posts up and I know she enjoys it, so tell your friends to read this!
I am blessed to be married to such an amazing woman who devotes all of her waking moments to our beautiful little girl. It's pretty cool to watch her and Addison interact. They definitely have a bond unlike anything I've seen. I hope Addy grows up to be just like her mommy.
Okay, now that the mushy stuff is out of the way...
Being a daddy is straight-up fun. There have obviously been some interesting and difficult moments i.e. sleep deprivation, random fussiness, projectile poop, etc., but more often than not, not a day passes without me laughing hysterically at this magical little girl. Addison knows that Daddy will play with her, even when she's sitting in her high-chair, munching on her cheerios. One of her favorite things to do, especially when my back is turned (usually cooking) is yell. I'll spin around quickly and say "HEY!" and this puts her over the edge. It's one of those laughs that is utterly contagious. Chucklehouse.
She has quite the personality and really likes to observe (just like me and Ames). She's already a "people-watcher" and really furrows her brow and moves her eyebrows for effect.
Here's a photo of her in her room, where she decided, "hey, why NOT pull everything off the shelf?" Yes, she appears naked but has a diaper on. That's what happens when you pile everything up around you.

We've taken a couple of walks as a family but we're all looking forward to some warmer weather. In a couple of weeks we will be heading down to central Illinois to meet up with some of Amy's friends from college so all the kids and big kids can get together and play. It should be a lot of fun...
Other than that, the next few months are going to be crazy busy. Amy is just about finished with her doctorate of physical therapy (DPT) which she somehow has been able to not only complete but excel at despite having little time for herself. I'm a lucky fella. Again, it's just another reason why I love her. Commencement is in mid-May (May 19) and during the week, so we'll likely be headed down to St. Louis for a couple of days.
And, that falls in between Mother's Day, some other weekend festivities, and finally Addison's first birthday on Sunday, May 29. Invites will be sent out soon but plan on the early afternoon.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite Addison photos in the past few weeks. Notice her "ready" look and blue eyes...Amy much? Just because she has a similar hair style to me doesn't mean she doesn't look like momma. Plus she's totally getting into her surfing pose...smooches - Adam.

Graduated to the big girl bath tub now- so I can swim around and play with all my toys: (yes, that's a bruise on her cheek- from a dare devil stunt she was trying.)
Reading with Grandpa Seghi on Thursday Morning St. Patricks Day
Playing with Daddy is my favorite: (discovery of tupperware and wooden spoons = drums)
Probably one of my favorite pics to date
Baby Doll
That's right folks. Daddy is joining in the blog party.
Let me start with by saying this:
Amy has done an amazing job with "The Seghi Family" blog and keeping everyone up-to-date. It takes hours of work to get these posts up and I know she enjoys it, so tell your friends to read this!
I am blessed to be married to such an amazing woman who devotes all of her waking moments to our beautiful little girl. It's pretty cool to watch her and Addison interact. They definitely have a bond unlike anything I've seen. I hope Addy grows up to be just like her mommy.
Okay, now that the mushy stuff is out of the way...
Being a daddy is straight-up fun. There have obviously been some interesting and difficult moments i.e. sleep deprivation, random fussiness, projectile poop, etc., but more often than not, not a day passes without me laughing hysterically at this magical little girl. Addison knows that Daddy will play with her, even when she's sitting in her high-chair, munching on her cheerios. One of her favorite things to do, especially when my back is turned (usually cooking) is yell. I'll spin around quickly and say "HEY!" and this puts her over the edge. It's one of those laughs that is utterly contagious. Chucklehouse.
She has quite the personality and really likes to observe (just like me and Ames). She's already a "people-watcher" and really furrows her brow and moves her eyebrows for effect.
Here's a photo of her in her room, where she decided, "hey, why NOT pull everything off the shelf?" Yes, she appears naked but has a diaper on. That's what happens when you pile everything up around you.
We've taken a couple of walks as a family but we're all looking forward to some warmer weather. In a couple of weeks we will be heading down to central Illinois to meet up with some of Amy's friends from college so all the kids and big kids can get together and play. It should be a lot of fun...
Other than that, the next few months are going to be crazy busy. Amy is just about finished with her doctorate of physical therapy (DPT) which she somehow has been able to not only complete but excel at despite having little time for herself. I'm a lucky fella. Again, it's just another reason why I love her. Commencement is in mid-May (May 19) and during the week, so we'll likely be headed down to St. Louis for a couple of days.
And, that falls in between Mother's Day, some other weekend festivities, and finally Addison's first birthday on Sunday, May 29. Invites will be sent out soon but plan on the early afternoon.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite Addison photos in the past few weeks. Notice her "ready" look and blue eyes...Amy much? Just because she has a similar hair style to me doesn't mean she doesn't look like momma. Plus she's totally getting into her surfing pose...smooches - Adam.