Stats: weight: 28lbs 2oz; height: 32"
Ok, it does get better and better. I don't know who laughs and smiles more, Addison or Adam and I? Her personality has really blossomed this month as her vocabulary and comprehension has continued to expand. I'm so proud of our smart little lady.
We went for her 18 month check up, and we had practiced "Dr. Joy" (her pediatrician) name the day before and on the way to the appointment. So, when she came in Addison said, "Hi Dr. Joy" I wish I could have had a camera to catch her reaction...."Well, I guess she doesn't need any speech therapy" and said that Addison was the youngest patient to say her name. :)
Eating: Our little lady is eating up a storm these days, as she continues to grow. However, it's become more necessary for me to offer her choices of what to eat versus just one thing...she likes to be in control. (uh-oh) So, we just give her options of what we'd like her to eat. ie: "Would you like cereal or a cereal bar?" or "Would you like yogurt or cottage cheese?" It seems to be working well for now. And she is definitely feeding herself with a spoon and a fork now. So nice to be able to give her her food and let her do it, versus feeding her. :) She's so proud of herself win!
Thanksgiving! Yummy! Yes...that's a black eye...oh toddlers... |
Sleeping: We are definitely down to 1nap in the late morning/early afternoon usually from 11:30/12 to 2. She plays all morning and then we have an earlier lunch to start getting her settled down. She usually is going to bed around 7:30pm now, and is up between 6am and 7am. 11-12 hrs of beauty sleep. Don't we all wish we could get this now and then?
New this month:
Swim lessons!! We started swim lessons at the Vaughn Athletic Center in Aurora in their warm water therapy pool. She is a fish out of water...and we both have so much fun during her swimming time. They do a lot things that we do with our pediatric patients at Marianjoy, so I am familiar with the activities...but amazed to see how a "normal" (advanced) baby does things...and how easy it is for her. However, she doesn't like to lie on her we have to ease into that one. She does like jumping in, kicking and blowing bubbles. And she has gone under water each time and has done great! She even pours cups of water on my head and thinks it's hysterical...and now tries to do this during bath time.
Her stuffed monkey: her new obsession...loves her monkey and HAS TO have him NOW. I am working on ordering back ups. :) Also we got her a stuffed Santa that she is very obsessed with. Even made a cameo in her 18mo pictures and our Christmas pics. It's a necessity to have these guys with her to sleep, go in the car and play with at home. They are her "babies" right now.
Putting Kali and her monkey to sleep...poor Kali dog...she's such a sweetheart, doesn't even move an inch. |
Getting ready for Christmas:
Addison has expanded her vocab with everything Chrismas: Santa, stocking, reindeer, tree, snowman, candle, lights, candy cane,peguin ...and insists that she says hello to all of these all day long. Also, she loves to listen to, and try to sing Christmas carols...and says "Jingle Bells" and "Santa is coming to town"
We tried not once, but twice to visit Santa-both at the mall, and at a charity Toys for Tots event at Marianjoy...and in both cases she was so excited to see long as she was at least 5ft away from him...any closer and she would start to say...."no, no, no, no, no...all done, all done, all done"
Helping out for Christmas:
Oh boxes...a toddlers dream toy. |
NO MORE PACIFIER "Boppy" as she started to call it. It's been 10 days....I must say it's been pretty easy. She really doesn't need it...and now she has her monkey and her "ki-ki" (blanket). So, things are good. I am proud of Adam and I on this one. I think pacifiers are easier for us parents to just keep giving...even when they don't really need it. We really should have gotten rid of it months ago. But, I am proud of us now.
Potty Training: Addison starting saying "poopie" and "pee-pee" and telling us when she has gone, or has to, we figured we would start introducing her to the potty chair. She hasn't officially gone on the potty yet (out of her diaper)...but, I feel like this is going to be a lot sooner than we all though. No pressure yet...we'll just see how it goes. We are making it fun...singing "poopy on the potty" songs and even giving her books and in this case the toys r us add to read!
More new words and SENTENCES:
"Kali, Come Here!", "Mommy eat", "Addy eat", "Good morning (to you)", "How are you?" "Thank you, Welcome" (she says these together now, so funny), "More ______ please; "Love you too"; "Diaper change" It seems like she's starting to put more and more words together now.
New Animal words: octopus, starfish, crab, elephant, lion, kangaroo, butterfly, ladybug, caterpillar. (Really, what 18 month old says these words? Yup, Addison Rose. She surprises the heck out of us every day.)
I forgot to put these on last month for Halloween...we were painting a pumpkin in the fun!!
What Mom? I'm busy. |
Playtime "airplane" with Daddy...I don't know who is having more fun? |
Thanksgiving 2011:
Loves Fisher Price Little People...big tub of them and Grandma and Grandpa Seghis |
Addison loves playing with all of her cousins....above they are asking her what all the animals are and what they say...and below she was playing dolls with the girls...and the boys kept bothering them....
Addison 18 months and Kelly 25 months |