5 Months Old & Halloween
The rocking chair is being over taken by little Miss Addison, and all of her rolls...

Check out my rolling skills:


Love my feet...

Are we done yet?!

5 months:
Stats: almost 17lbs...and in 6-9month clothes...more for weight then length! Wow, big girl!
Eating: She's eating very well...can't you tell?! I'm still exclusively nursing Addison, and pumping while I'm at work so that she gets only breast milk when I'm gone. I'm so blessed and happy that I choose to do this and have been able to do it this long. The plan is to start on rice cereal in the next week or two, then I plan to make pureed baby food for her after that. Sounds like fun! I'll plan to post a video of her first feeding.
Sleeping: She's continued to be a good sleeper at night, for the most part, from 8pm-6am. And is usually taking 3-4 naps a day for 1-2hrs. We are very blessed.
Milestones: She's rolling over all the time to her belly, but still gets a little frustrated when she can't roll back over. Likes to push up onto her hands when on her stomach. Starting to sit up with little to no support for short durations 5-10 sec. Trying to go from sitting to her tummy...but has little to no control of this...and tends to do a face-dive. Still wants to put everything in her mouth...but no teeth just yet. :) She's also found her voice...and likes to talk...and scream...just because she's happy! :)
Addison's first artwork from "school"....using her big toes as the bodies of the spiders.

Halloween was so much more fun this year, having our little butterfly to celebrate it with. I told Addison her theme this fall was "The Hungry Caterpillar" because she's been eating, and eating and eating...and she became a beautiful butterfly for Halloween.
On the Wednesday before, I took Addison to Marianjoy to visit Adam and our friends. She was such a good baby, being there for about 2.5hrs making the rounds between marketing and outpatient, and seeing people throughout the building. We had a great time, and I think she put a smile on everyone's face we saw...including a couple of my patients...who thought it was a real treat to meet her! :) Since I talk about her all the time...

On Sunday we went "Trick or Treating" to my moms, Grandma Jones', to see her, Great Grandma Carlson and Great Uncle Dick. They couldn't get enough of her, and all of her cute chubbiness. Great Grandma even gave her a sucker...that she immediately put to her mouth...such a Carlson...she knows what to do already...too bad she has to wait a little longer to actually eat one. :)

Then we went to the Seghi's to see Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Lauren, Uncle Nick and Jessica. She was greeted with more smiles and love. And I know when the Seghi's think of butterflies now they think of Uncle Mike who passed away last year, and I think this made her costume a little bittersweet for them.
Unfortunately, I had to go back up to see my Mom in the E.R that night when she had a scare of appedicitis...that turned out to be a injured abdominal muscle. But, overall we had a great day with our beautiful butterfly.

Coming soon...the month to month comparison...I gotta figure out this photoshop thing myself someday soon.