Monday, June 28, 2010

Fathers Day!

Adam definitely enjoyed his first Father's Day with Addison! He gave her her first bottle in the morning and then spent the afternoon with the Seghi/Peszek Family in the afternoon including her grandpa and great-grandpa! Four generations! How awesome! and yes...I know she looks just like her daddy! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Addison has definitely been growing and changing a lot in the past few weeks. She is starting to sleep more during the night, which is making us a lot more functional! Here are some close up shots of her in the past couple weeks...see those cheeks growing! She's gonna be a chubby baby just like her parents! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Many Firsts

Leaving the hospital!

Home for the first time

Meeting big sister Kali

First Smiles
Blackhawks Win the Stanley cup!

I love my swing!

Bath time!

First walk in the stroller!

Well, Addison has had many firsts in her first few weeks of life in the outside world. It's been a lot of fun watching her grow and change almost every day. Amazing how it all happens so quickly. I want to pause time and savor each moment, because I know it will go by too fast.
Adam was home with us half days during her second week, working from home in the mornings and then going to the office in the afternoons. This worked out well, as we were starting to establish somewhat of a routine and get some sleep as well.
This week, Monday, he went back full days... and we really do miss him! It's nice to have family and friends close by to come over though!
Attached are some of the pics of her "firsts".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcome Miss Addison Rose!!

Addison Rose Seghi was brought into this world on a memorial "Memorial Day" May 31, 2010. She weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 19.5 inches long and was healthy from the moment she appeared, with an instant pink glean to her skin and cries. Scoring 9's and 10 on her Apgar score. Adam and I were overcome with emotion after a long, but amazing labor day.

My water broke at 10:45pm on May 30th, after just getting into bed about 10:15. Adam hadn't gone to sleep yet...and I awoke with a pretty strong contraction that alerted me that I may be in labor.

We called our parents before leaving for the hospital...and my Dad and brother were so excited about the baby that they came right away...arriving at 4am to the hospital. If they only knew she wouldn't be born for another 13hrs!!

All the nurses at Delnor were amazing in assisting us during the labor process to make it a wonderful experience. Adam was a perfect labor coach too, and he helped to keep me relaxed and focused during the whole experience. I was able to labor without medication to 7cm before getting an epidural to "relax" at about 3:30pm and then I dilated to 10cm by 5pm...and she arrived at 5:32!!

Our immediate families were all in the waiting area...and it felt like we were being stormed by the paparazzi when they all came in to see us and meet little miss Addy!